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Dual Batteries......


Its a Hybrid
May 18, 2006
Reaction score
Payson AZ
Anyone run em on a late model GM with an isolator, I need to know where to hook up the 4th post (Exciter) to the alternator or ?? to get it to charge.

Alternator works great when hooked directly to the batts, but I would like to isolate them for longevity.

Any help would be appreciated.
DO you already have the isolater? If not just get a battery switch. Hell, my Dodge's batteries are hard wired together, doesn't hurt them.
Anyone run em on a late model GM with an isolator, I need to know where to hook up the 4th post (Exciter) to the alternator or ?? to get it to charge.

Alternator works great when hooked directly to the batts, but I would like to isolate them for longevity.

Any help would be appreciated.

PM TMF (Brent) he run's dauls in his k-5 blazer..
I do already have the isolator and currently they are working fine hooked together in parellel, but I would like to isolate them so they might last longer and if one goes bad then I only have to replace that one and not both.

I'm running a late 90's charging system.
i went to napa and got a constant on solenoid .....installed it so when the rig is running it charges the #2 bat....when the key is off or not running the solenoid isolates bat #2.....cheap and works well......
Problem solved, I finally got ahold of the manufacture of teh isolator and they sent me a schematic for the late model alternator.


I used to run duals with an isolator, but found that after a couple of years, the internals on the isolators fails, and hooks the batteries directly anyway. I've tried replacing the isolator, and it just fails again.

I've had good luck with both the Marine Style Battery Switch (which is a big knob you turn to select which battery gets which charge) and a Continuous Duty Solinoid (as described earlier).


I used to run duals with an isolator, but found that after a couple of years, the internals on the isolators fails, and hooks the batteries directly anyway. I've tried replacing the isolator, and it just fails again.

I've had good luck with both the Marine Style Battery Switch (which is a big knob you turn to select which battery gets which charge) and a Continuous Duty Solinoid (as described earlier).


Thanks Tony, I already bough tthe isolator and am kinda committed now, I will take another approach, prolly the continuous solonoid plan, when and if I start to have issues with this setup.

Thanks again.

Nice pic in the 4wd&SU Rag this month.... :redneck: