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Durhamtown ends relationship with ECORS


New Member
Jan 21, 2013
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MAybe this will not get deleted as 2 other post have on another website

I am told this happens very often when Rob is involved

After finding out Rob scheduled and event on top of a Durhamtown Dirt Riot event that was scheduled first I found out what this guy is all about

some racers were here this past weekend and brought alot to my attention about Ecors we viewed many post that luckily that did not get deleted and some behind the scenes activity

he was asked by many racers to change a date and refused to do so he replied with an attitude

he told me he wanted a race before Dirt Riot so racers may break their machine and could not make the 2nd DP race

this guy is shaky he wants me to pay him to bring his event here give him 5 tickets for each truck for co-riders and pit crew this I find out he his pre-selling the 5 tickets for cash

last event we had 14 paying spectators he stated we get over 1000 spectators I was hoping to cover back my expenses NOT...

I have had many racers express how frustrated and been mistreated by ECORS in the past two days I was totally blindsided by all of this

Durhamtown does not need the Drama from ECORS

Durhamtown will give a 100 % commitment to Dirt Roit until I see a reason not to

many racers are asking to Host a Durhamtown Event

We may just begin our own series with the GP track and a Short Course event

this guy is not about the sport only HIM

Durhamtown will not support HIM

thanks mike
THANKS for comin on here and tellin us man,,,,I can,t wait to get RATTLER back on that Durhamtown course,,,,specialy that GP part loller.gif
Kinda saw that one coming from the post on NC4x4.

Sad to see things going this way.

Hopefully Rob can pull through and get the series back on track...

If you have questions about ECORS the grown up thing to do is to contact rob. In case you have lost his email it's [email protected]. His number is (252) 341-2016. I could also help answer any questions you may have my email is Alex@ ECORS.com or my cell is 423-580-1431.


Tnyota said:

If you have questions about ECORS the grown up thing to do is to contact rob. In case you have lost his email it's [email protected]. His number is (252) 341-2016. I could also help answer any questions you may have my email is Alex@ ECORS.com or my cell is 423-580-1431.



Doesnt sound like he has any questions. :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:
Wow is about all I can say!

I could respond with a long quote of history and emails back and forth about our discussions and agreements. However, to save space and to stay as professional as I can (kind of hard to do when I don't even get a phone call, email, or reply back to either, just childish posts on public forums).

My responses below are in BOLD

durhamtown said:
MAybe this will not get deleted as 2 other post have on another website

I am told this happens very often when Rob is involved

Your posts were on NC4x4 in the direct ECORS sub section. I had no idea who it was or what it was. Before your post, I had no email, no phone call, nothing. So that I could find out what was going on, I removed the thread from public view until I got a phone call or email back explaining what was going on. I called and left a message, no returned call. This was at 3:55pm on Jan 20. I also sent you an email at 12:27pm on 1/20 asking what was going on. Instead of composing a new email and to lessen the confustion about our previous discussions, I replied to a previous email thread which contained all of our discussions and your suggestion to race on July 6 because We Rock was there late August. I agreed to the date and it was set. You confirmed this at 9:55am on October 24 via reply to my email.

After finding out Rob scheduled and event on top of a Durhamtown Dirt Riot event that was scheduled first I found out what this guy is all about

ECORS has traditionally had an end-of-August date for our events. Past August events were:
Aug 25, 2012
Aug 27, 2011
Aug 21, 2010

So, Aug 24 2013 falls right in line with what we have done in the past. We do this so teams can get accustomed to the same weekends every year. Scheduling a race on the same date as We Rock has one at your park was not on purpose.

some racers were here this past weekend and brought alot to my attention about Ecors we viewed many post that luckily that did not get deleted and some behind the scenes activity

he was asked by many racers to change a date and refused to do so he replied with an attitude

Racers made suggestions about conflicts. While we like to support our racers, we have agreements worked out and dates cannot be changed as easily as one might expect. furthermore, historically we have raced every year on the same weekend in August and this date was previously scheduled long before We Rock confirmed with Durhamtown. ECORS is established and has a history of dates we are trying to maintain; simply changing dates because another promoter NEW TO THIS REGION AND COPYING OUR VENUES AND TRYING TO STEAL RACERS is doing something else that same weekend just is not what ECORS does. If racers are truely conflicted as it was identified, we suggested that they contact the new-comer organizer to the area to adjust his schedule. One racer even said they would. I never heard anything else from it and the conversation moved on.

he told me he wanted a race before Dirt Riot so racers may break their machine and could not make the 2nd DP race

This is a complete lie and slander. I stated I would rather come before than after due to schedule and that it would likely be that some of his racers would come to our event likely with the expectation that they could basically "pre-race" the facility before the We Rock race and that it would be better for all of us (assuming the courses were somewhat similar and talking with Mike, they were). Mike suggested ECORS racing after We Rock and that we could piggy back off of his event and market ours at his event. Here is a DIRECT QUOTE from Mike, the owner of Durhamtown in email conversations about setting dates for our event and marketing: "we need to capitalize off of his event in August it will allow us to market to all of his customers for an event here it is the most effective advertising I would love to have the event after his event let him do the marketing for us"

Looks like someone is playing both sides!

this guy is shaky he wants me to pay him to bring his event here give him 5 tickets for each truck for co-riders and pit crew this I find out he his pre-selling the 5 tickets for cash

last event we had 14 paying spectators he stated we get over 1000 spectators I was hoping to cover back my expenses NOT...

New for 2013, ECORS pre-sells discounted gate passes for race team members. We have lost revenue because we failed to capture spectators and extra team members for each race team on Thursdays and Fridays (our fault!). This pre-sell was put in place to allow teams to get good discounts on team gate passes rather than paying the at-the-gate price the day of the event (we give the drive free entry, everyone else pays because every team has different number of "team members"). These tickets are set at $8 each, sold in sets of 5 because we have 5 races. It is specifially noted during purchase that there are limitations, specifically at Durhamtown and Harlan. I addressed this to Mike, in an email so we have documentation of it, that teams are pre-purchasing gate tickets but there are limitations on it at places like Durhamtown. I asked what we could work out for them because Durhamtown was keeping 100% of the gate. His reply is, and I quote: "we can give each team 5 spectator passes for $5 each"
Why would a team member buy a ticket for $8 from me when they could get it for $5 from Durhamtown??? This makes no sense!

I asked for the same deal that we worked out last year. In a nutshell, I brought the race there with all the racers, their crew, spectators, etc, and he kept 100% of the gate. All I asked for was $2,000 to cover our travel expenses and efforts for myself and partner and a cabin for myself and partner while we were there and a land use permit for the racers only, and only on the ECORS track. Durhamtown kept 100% of the gate, 100% of RV sites, camping, cabiins, land use fees by racers out riding the park, land use fees by spectators, etc. I provided volunteers to mark the course, run the race, and clean up. Mike bulldozed a trail through the course much different than what we discussed and insisted we use it even though it wasn't in the original discussions as what we wanted and were looking for. Mike provided a course worker to run a spectator crossing area. The course worker(s) decided to just leave post during the middle of the race, leaving the course open for racers to cross a spectator access in a BLIND corner. Luckily one of our racers (that had broken down on course in the area) noticed the danger and took over the post for the rest of the day!

We requested to get the event on the Durhamtown website. It was never put up. We requested that the event be included in the mass emails that he sends out. It was not. We marketed as we normally do, social media, on multiple online forums, etc. (free stuff, as we stated initially). Lack of spectators was a failure on both of our parts, but mostly falls on Durhamtown as they said they had a huge marketing campaign for it, and as Mike would say, NOT!!!

I have had many racers express how frustrated and been mistreated by ECORS in the past two days I was totally blindsided by all of this

I'm not sure what this means. Arguing your point with generalities is meaningless. We've had mistakes in the past, but we've always paid what we said we would pay or given out what we would give out. There may be an exception or 2 on a t shirt in year (month) 1. We may(or are) have been slow, but we have done what we promised. When we started, we had a lot of We Rock racers come to us a little gun-shy due to the mistreatment they had in the past and welcomed the new, fresh Series and enjoyed it. Remember, Ron and I developed ECORS while we both have full time jobs with 60+ hours each week. We made mistakes and have grown from that in the past. But, we all start somewhere and have learned and moved on and gotten better. Not bad for a part time gig after only 3 years.

Durhamtown does not need the Drama from ECORS

Durhamtown will give a 100 % commitment to Dirt Roit until I see a reason not to

many racers are asking to Host a Durhamtown Event

We may just begin our own series with the GP track and a Short Course event

So, it looks like now Durhamtown is going to compete against We Rock now too? Make up your mind and commit yourself and loyalty to someone rather than tossing out who got you here and moving on to what you think the next best thing is...
this guy is not about the sport only HIM

Durhamtown will not support HIM

thanks mike

ECORS brought racers and support to Durhamtown when they strggled with the 4x4 crowd. Mike was willing to work with us to get interest up. Interest is up and we helped to create that interest and business. You are welcome. Early on in our discussions of setting a date for our race, you directly asked if the August date with We Rock was ok with me. I said we wanted an August date BEFORE you even said that you confirmed a date with We Rock. Honestly, the date doesn't bother me. What bothers me is the fact that you cannot call me, cannot email me, nor care to tell the truth.

Prior to ECORS coming down to Durhamtown, I was told by MANY race organizers to beware of Mike. I ignored these warnings and came and raced. We all had a good time and Mike suggested we come back for a Nov race (this was in July of last year). I said it was highly unlikely because of current schedule, etc. Mike wanted us back, he suggested we come and requested that we come. We were all on good terms until someone else decides to come to the southeast and try to push us out.

I have big plans for the July 6 race, like free shock tuning for our racers and more. Durhamtown would have been a great place to do this. But, looks like I will be forced to take my business elsewhere as I DO NOT operate shady and unethical like what has been displayed by Mike above. I simply will not do it, even at my own expense. Anyone that knows me personally will assure you this is true.

I'm sorry that this has transpired, but I cannot, and will not my name or my series be slandered with blaten LIES! If anyone doubts, I have every email correspondence I am willing to post proving these lies and slanders!

If anyone has any questions about my posts or wants more information, feel free to call me at 252-341-2016 or you may PM me here or email me at: [email protected]

PS, I'm still waiting for that returned phone call from Mike at Durhamtown! My guess is he'll resort to posting childish comments and lies on a public forum than to talk to me directly!

We will move on and the race for July 6 is still on! However, it will be at a park in ALABAMA!!!! Details coming!!!! :woot:
durhamtown said:
After finding out Rob scheduled and event on top of a Durhamtown Dirt Riot event that was scheduled first

He scheduled this years ecors race on the exact same weekend as last year, why should he change it because of dirt riot?
im ready to race,well almost i still gots to make the ole xj ready but im ready :dblthumb: dirt riot and ecors and whereever else there might be a race of our kind :dblthumb:
All I can tell you is that you will NOT want to miss the August 24 ECORS race :) More details to come :)
scottlang said:
im ready to race,well almost i still gots to make the ole xj ready but im ready :dblthumb: dirt riot and ecors and whereever else there might be a race of our kind :dblthumb:

I'm with Scott on this. Racin is racin, and I'll be going fast (fast as I can with 4cyl) and jumpin my **** whereever I can :eat:

I'm ready. I was almost about to throw in the towel last year because my rig is not really "that" competitive, but I think with a little more seat time, I can hang.

I have been to your park and support it, however this is not how our community works around here.

Ben Bone
TBItoy said:
I'm with Scott on this. Racin is racin, and I'll be going fast (fast as I can with 4cyl) and jumpin my **** whereever I can :eat:

I'm ready. I was almost about to throw in the towel last year because my rig is not really "that" competitive, but I think with a little more seat time, I can hang.
fast is def. not gonna win this year (4 hour long) its gonna be who last the longest. lol im gonna put my xj on viagra maybe it stay up and last the 4 hours :dblthumb:
durhamtown said:
We may just begin our own series with the GP track and a Short Course event

thanks mike

If any of yall on here know Tuckin20 he's known Mike a long time and i remember him predicting to me at the Dtown drivers meeting last year that Mike would do this exact thing.
scottlang said:
im ready to race,well almost i still gots to make the ole xj ready but im ready :dblthumb: dirt riot and ecors and whereever else there might be a race of our kind :dblthumb:

What you said man! :dblthumb:
ecors said:
All I asked for was $2,000 to cover our travel expenses and efforts for myself and partner and a cabin for myself and partner while we were there and a land use permit for the racers only, and only on the ECORS track.

Just curious is this normal for a venue to pay this much to a promoter? Does harlan and such places pay like this?
i'd say it varies by venue. gate fee's, concessions, on site lodging, etc are usually split into some sort of % to each the facility owner and facility renter. each facility/ venue goes about things differently, i would think.

the company i work for puts on a large multi day event every year. in our industry it is one of the largest. from i've learned about being involved in such an event i can tell you that it is not easy. my owners always say they would just like to "break even" each year. but they aren't trying to run a series either.

event promoters/ host/ etc. have to make money too. i wouldn't expect anyone to put in that much work for free and i'm sure no one is getting rich