So far there are only 14 people contending for the 3 King of the Hammers spots. Could be your Chance at greatness
Below is the list of official registered drivers for the August 14th race in Harlan.
Name...............Registration Date
Kyle Jeffriesn............ 17-May
Chris Thompsonn.............29-Jun
Joe Darlingtonn....... ........1-Jul
Brad Carrriern..... ............3-Jul
Tony Hirkon...... .............12-Jul
Name............Registration Date
Dylan Wilesn................ 19-Jun
Joe Darlingtonn............. 1-Jul
Jody Treadwayn............ 5-Jul
Braxton Brantleyn.......... 29-Jul
Namen............ Registration Date
PJ Malloryn................ 17-May
Joel Withersn............. 20-May
Keir Adamn................ 22-May
John Boringn................ 2-Jun
Sean Rosen................ 4-Jun
Fred Hilln.................... 7-Jun
*****Chris May................ 10-Jun
Joe Braunn................. 19-Jun
****Mike Bowen ........ 19-Jun
Stan Haynesn.............. 1-Jul
Essentially Offroadn....... 7-Jul
Sam Winget .............. 11-Jul
Shawn Fisher............... 20-Jul
Rusty Brayn............... 23-Jul
Stephen Norton ......... 30-Jul
Ken Cartern............... 2-Aug
**** Denotes driver is not competing for a KOH Qualifier Spot