Im set in my mind that Obama has it won already, alot of that is for the exact reason Wyatt pointed out.
He's going to win and its because he is Black. I have nothing against a black president.. **** I wanted Colin Powell to run back before he became a flip flop political agendist.
There has been little done in this whole process that makes me feel good about the direction this nation is headed. Not that the color of skin or sex of a person makes two shits, but the fact that it has been the precedence for so much of this election process. I mean ****, it started with the Dems blatantly putting Clinton and Obama in as there top pics, that sets that whole overtone of " America is tired of the White Wealthy Man leading this nation." Like 6uldv8 pointed out, its not the sole decision of the President what direction the Nation heads down.. but you can be sure if / when Obama reels this one in it will be the sole decision of the Democratic party across the board. Hello Socialism
I really wish that having Obama as president was going to ease racially motivated politic's and seperation in society but the further this process has come along the more I see it doing the exact opposite. Thats a scary thing if you ask me. America still has division in community and society problems, I see it worsening and the finger pointing just beginning.
Point Im making... these elections HAVE NOT emphasised one mans politics over another, its been a damn popularity contest playing off whatever cheap and shitty social card to get a vote we could. Hell why do you think Sarah Palin got thrown in the mix. It wasnt her corny ****ing accent Ill tell you that much. Simply because the GOP saw it as a way to pick up those female votes. Yes I like alot of what she stands for, even though I hate to hear that Maverick BS thrown around everytime she opens her cawk gobbler... But she was placed there as a strategy, not because she was "the most qualified" . Same for Obama, all Strategy.
It gets worse and worse every time we hold elections, Can you only imagine next go around how shitty and cheap its going to be. Info-mercials and Blog's and every kind of media pursuasion you can imagine will get exploited and shoved down the publics throat to the tenth degree. Hell, when we going to see the first full feature Movie about our " Next Presidential Candidate " Its gotten outta control.
Ill vote McCain, I think the man has a geniune interest in making this nation better and seeing us through some tough as stimes while HOLDING THE GOVERMENT accountable for that. He's a shitty speaker yes, he isnt real personable I agree.. but this is NOT a popularity contest its the damn presidency. The man has been around, the man has fought his own party here and there for things he thinks is for the better good. You think for a second Obama wont do exactly what he is told the polls are telling him to do ? He's going to get his next desicion off of the ****in news... just like "Sit back and smoke a fish cigar" Bill Clinton did. Were did that get us ? 9/11 and along put off war in the middle east with stronger more organized terrorist's that got ignored and had time time time to get organized while Monica was suckin off our President.
I think W got dealt a **** hand by winning when and in the times he won. I think he did the best he got dealt and made no excuses . Thats leadership, even if I dont agree with 100% of the decisions made I still think he did it with the intentions of the nations interest's and security at the top of his list.
Im done typing.... geebus what a rant.. laughing1