Lucky Jeff
Well-Known Member
I'm trying to change the brakes on this dang explorer I need to sell. It looks like I need a HUGE specialty socket to get the rotor off.. Any way around buying that tool? Or can I even buy the thing anywhere??
it's a 92 and yea the fronts.. I got it down to the nut.. But I don't have anything quite that big to get the nut off (Have no idea where my channel locks are).. I'll go find the socket at Napa I guess. Thanks guys.
Remember to get a small magnet and get the little locking do hick out of the notch in the bolt otherwise your going to have a hell of a time trying to get it off
yea I got all of that stuff off no problem.. down to the nut. Napa didn't have that tool. So I'll just borrow some channel locks from work..
huh thats strange thats where i bought mine they didnt have it on hand but got it in next day...cant remember the exact size though
they had plenty of specialty sockets.. just didn't have that one on the shelf.. I didn't even bother to ask.
I got the socket, you got the lift.
:beer: 's in the fridge....bring it.