We talked about throwing some extra rides into the mix at the meeting. Try and hit a few more close places during the summer/fall months basically. Mountainside in Gadsden was one and Monteage in TN was the other. Riverside is like an hour away, I think Monteage is like 2.5. I am going to throw some dates out, tell me what works for you.
July 5th (holiday weekend, but we could hit Mountainside for the day)
August 9th
September 27th
October 4th
We also still have rides planned for River Rock in Sept and a TBD Locattion in Oct. We could also plan one of these destinations for that Oct ride. Just throwing ideas out there and trying to be flexible and give everyone a chance to pick what works for them. We also talked about openly seeking to invite more people to the rides to increase turnout and feel out more prospective members.
July 5th (holiday weekend, but we could hit Mountainside for the day)
August 9th
September 27th
October 4th
We also still have rides planned for River Rock in Sept and a TBD Locattion in Oct. We could also plan one of these destinations for that Oct ride. Just throwing ideas out there and trying to be flexible and give everyone a chance to pick what works for them. We also talked about openly seeking to invite more people to the rides to increase turnout and feel out more prospective members.