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F-Day Thread , Once again !

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If its free, its P
May 16, 2007
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Your Mom's House
Today : Kinda work, go to the pistol range and shoot my eye out ! molaugh Go home make links for lay's buggy get his front axle located and put a Fo-Link up under it.

Saturday : Dump run, Lay's buggy , Pull my front driveshaft on my buggy for the upgrade shaft bizz to finally start , change oil in vehicles... etc etc blah blah

Sunday: :dunno:
Today : work half day then go to court and the DMV to get my liscense un-suspended....hang out with buddy and work on his jeep

Saturday : go pick up other half of sofa for mom, get christmas tree for gf, go to high school state championship football game in the superdome, then :drinkers: to celebrate my birthday

Sunday : recover from saturday and go work on tj=s jeep for a while
well, where do i start.....
today, sit at work on the interweb.....
Saturday---play Army, sit in safety meeting all day.....YAY friends party in the evening, BEER PONG is on! :drinkers:
Sun--Army, Xmas party recover from party hopefully watch the Colts win!
Mon--no work, so rig time and try to figure out shifters on the doubler. really dont want to spend big money on cables....maybe pick up some 1410 driveshafts that are local

Already started the day off with 25 biscuits from Jacks, got 30 pizzas comin later for the lunch crew, and bought a new basketball for some Drafting verses Welding B-ball action all day.

Tonite go the wifes bitrthday party with the fam

Saturday gona go pic up some Christmas gifts and hopefully I have the pink bike sold.

Sunday is my niece's birthday so gota eat more cake.

Gona be a rough weekend, but I think I will make it.
Tonite-Wife is having a christmas party
Sat-Work then go to family gathering then work on commando
Sunday- Either go try to kill a deer and then work o n the commando some more or just work on the commando. :dunno:
Tonight I get the 2 youngest of my sisters kids while they go buy dog supplies for the kids Christmas puppy. I think Max will stay over and we will get the KTM back together and then tinker on his...I mean my Trail 70. Good times! thumb.gif

Saturday, possible meet up with Leigh and lay it out there that it's not working out AGAIN ::) Then have friends over for :drinkers: and Wii night. :dunno:

Sunday I gots nuttin, probably shovel >:(
Devotin some major time to organizing this weekend... Gonna buy large shelves from Lowe's or Target or somewhere! Gotta get some for both basement and garage to get **** off the floor and organizar'd... going to hunt down the shelves tonight.

Sat. fix bike and ride for 2-3 hours in the morning w/ Ryan. Just picked up my throttle cable yesterday. Rest of day, get toyota in garage, start working on it a bit.. Move some things over from my parents house.

Sunday work on basement organizing N sheet. Should be within next couple weeks having a guy do graphitti art on a couple walls down there. Crank on the yota a bit more.
Today: Write a few papers, Work til 4, GF's company christmas party in Charlotte
Saturday: Go look at a few Fiddy's, Work, Drink cold burrz
Sunday: Work, Final papers and study for exams.
Tonight-Wife's Christmas Party
Tommorrow-Work on Buggy, Shopping and Christmas Party
Sunday - Christmas Dinner for Clients

All kinds of Christmas parties with more to come next week!
Tonight- Cousins 22 birthday party (last year they made it to 13 diff bars) :o
Tomorrow- Might ski for a little while with the fresh snow. Drive to charlotte for Ryan Newmans Bass Tournament
SUnday- Gun show with different cousin in Charlotte
Tonight: Christmas stuff with the GF and her lil' boy, then Im goin to see Ugli Stik @ the Sports Page. :drinkers:
Sat: Put the finishing touches on the Heep, load that beotch on the trailer, go to 2 Christmas parties! :eat: :drinkers:
Sun: Take the Heep out to one of my old school playin spots in Jackson Co. and see what its gonna do....FINALLY! loller.gif
J/Cope79 said:
Tonight: Christmas stuff with the GF and her lil' boy, then Im goin to see Ugli Stik @ the Sports Page. :drinkers:
Sat: Put the finishing touches on the Heep, load that beotch on the trailer, go to 2 Christmas parties! :eat: :drinkers:
Sun: Take the Heep out to one of my old school playin spots in Jackson Co. and see what its gonna do....FINALLY! loller.gif

make sure to take the camera....


tonight, study for finals
tomorrow " "
sunday " "
Tonight Kids Christmas party at work
Sat. sleep late then work on the buggy
Sun. sleep late then work on the buggy.
John Galbreath Jr. said:
Friday: Final touches for party
Saturday: Pick up keg, Christmas party at our house
Sunday: Recover.

you hadn't said anything bout helping. Need any? :dunno:
Friday nite Im gonna go to X and do X. Sat we gonna X all day. Probably gonna go get an Xmas tree on Sunday.
Fri: About to go to school and let the writing center edit a project that is due tomorrow, study for finals tomorrow, finish my graduate school (MBA) application
Sat 8 AM: final in info systems
Sat PM: final in business ethics
Sun AM: rewiring car hauler and checking over it to haul some of the company trucks done to TX and sell them
Sun PM: write a paper on deontological ethics, work on my law school applications, study for MGMT 330 and FINC 350 clep tests I have next week so I can graduate!!!
"Drafting verses Welding B-ball action all day." That could be dangerous laughing1

Fri - Meet home builder on-site.

Sat - Move boxes and then hit Christmas Party.

Sun - Move boxes and drink beer.