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As iron sharpens iron...
Aug 22, 2008
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I have a 1995 F-350 for my tow rig, it has about 215K on it. I was told that the ball joints and U joints were replaced before I got it but you know how it is... I just got back yesterday from a trip over east on I-90 and I noticed some unpredictable steering while doing 60-75mph. kind of jumpy, dodgie stuff but more just floating. I have to compansate my wheel to 1 o'clock possition to drive strait. Also I noticed that at full lock to the right my TRE on the pitman arm rubs the spring. I have brand new BFG tires set a 65 psi.

Could it be my TREs going bad? Maybe that little track bar (not sway bar) that has bushings in it?

I turned the wheel back and forth wile sitting still and it seems that my entire axle is moving from side to site just a little when I switch directions. But nothing else is really drastic that I can see. Any help to find what is making her loose.
I'd check the condition of all the wear items. IE: TRE's, Ball joints, track bar bushings, steering box... etc.

It could be time to start replacing the components in the steering system. You could either buy the parts until you have the complete setup, install and then get it aligned. Or pay a shop the hourly labor rate to check the system and reccomend what needs replacing.
If you have side to side movement it is most likely the trac bar bushings. Let me dig up a pic I have of the box/ with part number from Napa.


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Just a crazy thought... a buddy with a 95 F-350 had a broken shackle up front and the spring was riding on the frame and caused similar issues. Get underneath there with a flashlight and inspect everything really closely.
Ya I was thinking it could be that track bar too, at least start there.

Also when I am towing and have to push on the bakes it pulls kinda hard to the left only. I have to compansate to the right when driving so this is a related problem. I will put some time into her and take a look...
The brake pull is likely a separate issue, like bad caliper or collapsed brake hose....something of that nature. Check your pads for uneven wear side to side...
The brake pull is likely a separate issue, like bad caliper or collapsed brake hose....something of that nature. Check your pads for uneven wear side to side...

Ya I checked the pads when I put new tires on it about a week ago.. they looked great and the same on both sides.