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FatAss 2014

John Galbreath Jr.

38 Special & Solo Buggy
May 24, 2007
Anybody going to try and loose weight starting the first of the year? I am at 210.8 and would like to get down to 180. Any takers?
I started about 2 months ago at 243 and am down to 227. I'm trying to get to 220 and see if I want to keep going. I'm back down to my high school waist size again, my wife has never known me this thin. But the loss is starting to slow down. I've been using a free Android app called My Fitness Pal to help me track calories. It sets goals for you and tracks it all and has a massive food database. Also doing push ups and sit ups when I can / feel like it. I'm not being super-strict about it all. I figure whatever I am doing now is more than I was before.
TacomaJD said:
I float around 203-205ish, but it's all pecker-weight. Don't want to lose any of that.

You've got to add another 15 lbs to your weight for That whole leg thingy you've got going on
TacomaJD said:
I float around 203-205ish, but it's all pecker-weight. Don't want to lose any of that.

How much DID you loose when you lost the leg? I think that's cheating when it comes to weight loss. :)
Elliott said:
You've got to add another 15 lbs to your weight for That whole leg thingy you've got going on

I actually don't think it weighs much more/less than what I lost. Measuring from the bottom of my other foot, I lost 18" of leg. I actually just weighed my leg on our shipping scales at work and my leg with a steel toe Converse tennis shoe on it only weighs 4.89 lbs. Then I have a urethane liner I wear that might weigh 1.5 lbs and 2 3-ply compensation socks at 0.1-0.2 lbs maybe? So like 6 or 7 lbs overall for everthing. If you think about the density of your calf muscle, fatty tissue, bones, and blood volume, it actually probably weighs less than what I lost. Just my theory, no way to really tell.
I weighed 235 when I started my newest job. Some how, I guess because I loved my job so much, I gained 50 lbs in my first 4 months there (HOLY SH*T!) . I am 6'4" so that helps cover up some of this fat-ass-ness, but damn!
I was 190 when I got married 7 years ago, now Im at 265-275. I want to get back down to 200-210. Game on.
I was about 290lbs And 28% body fat. I'm now about 245 and 15% body fat. Long road but worth it. I'm going to back off the weights and shoot to loose weight this year.

Sent from the mans IPhone.
TacomaJD said:
Gotta slack up on teh beer for all that business. :flipoff1:

I've almost completely stopped drinking because I'm not a hard liqueur fan and beer has so many calories. Using the My Fitness Pal app made me realize exactly how many calories the average 'Murican consumes on a daily basis and took away all question as to why we are so ****ing fat as a country. I felt like I was eating *mildy" healthy before I started and then realized I was probably consuming over 5000 calories per day when I should have been around 2500. Lots of people are probably close to or over 6000 calories and are not as tall as me. I watch some people eat meals that are probably 4000 calories in one sitting and they will eat 3 meals a day like that! 12,000 ****ing calories/day! Holy ****, and that's not even people that most of us consider obese! The morbidly obese are probably up and over 20,000/day!
At 6'1 210lbs right now like to get down to 195-200 by early spring. I only eat once a day, tend to be on my feat working 16hrs a day and don't sleep much. Not sure how to lose any weight with no time to do the gym thing.
I'm in. I would like to loose some. I'm 6'3" and 212. Would like to be back to 185 and have abs again but not sure I'm THAT motivated!
patooyee said:
I've almost completely stopped drinking because I'm not a hard liqueur fan and beer has so many calories. Using the My Fitness Pal app made me realize exactly how many calories the average 'Murican consumes on a daily basis and took away all question as to why we are so ****ing fat as a country. I felt like I was eating *mildy" healthy before I started and then realized I was probably consuming over 5000 calories per day when I should have been around 2500. Lots of people are probably close to or over 6000 calories and are not as tall as me. I watch some people eat meals that are probably 4000 calories in one sitting and they will eat 3 meals a day like that! 12,000 ****ing calories/day! Holy ****, and that's not even people that most of us consider obese! The morbidly obese are probably up and over 20,000/day!

And craft beer usually has more calories than your average light beer. I don't drink much during the week...wide open every fri night after work and pretty much all day Saturday....sometimes Sunday depending on circumstances. But I eat like a horse. I've always had a fast metabolism. Started working here at Siemens after high school graduation in 2005 and weighed roughly 135 at about 6' .....now I'm around 205ish and about 6' 2". After 25, **** started catching up with me. I try to slack on fast food a little and bring sandwiches from home more often to work, but not much further efforts than that.
I weighed 135 when I started 9th grade in 2000 up until a 3 years ago when my wife got pregnant and I've been gaining steadily ever since, I decided about a month ago I wanted to run the tour de brewers 10k so I've been running training for that, I'm drinking a weight gainer cuz I don't want to lose any weight but I've lost 3 lbs so far :****:
I'm 6'1" and 180-185. I'd like to lose about 10 pounds and do some toning. I've got the awesome inherited belly from my dad beginning. I'll be 30 in April and the metabolism ain't what it used to be! I've got a YMCA membership...but it has been more of a donation the past few months.