The Ford died a while back because the module in the dizzy **** out. When I pulled the dizzy out the whole thing was just plain worn out. One new distributer later I drop it in and expect to fire right up correct? Nope. Check for spark? Check. Hmmm, bring it up to TDC again and redrop it in. Kinda sputters a little bit like it wants to start but won't. Fawk with it a little more and it kinda coughs and sputters a little every now and then but won't fire. :wtf: Check for spark? Notta
Fawking short in the coil so every now and then it had spark but most the time it didn't. One new coil later, it finally fires. Did I mention my Optima Red top is going flat?
Decided to put the new chromoly axle in it while i'm workin on it. All went together just fine but while I was dinkin around I noticed the CV joint in my front DS is fawked
Go to start it up tonight and it won't start at all. Spins over for a couple seconds then coughs and sputters and if ya hold it on the floor it will run at about 200rpm for a few seconds then sputters out of the carb and dies. :wtf: I know that the timing is spot on(verified by light, sound, and the amount of vacume it is pulling). But anyways, after a couplefew tries my wonderful optima that has been sitting for only a few days decides it is done. I get out(not a very happy camper mind you), just to turn around and see a bunch of smoke coming from under the hood. I pop the hood open real quick and discover the carb is on fire
Burn my finger trying to pull the air cleaner off, can't get the damn wing nut lose so I run inside to grab a pair of pliers to pull it off. Finally got the fire out, after it ruined my 14x4 K&N
and probly some of the carb(I was too pissed to look by this point).
If there's something good about it at least I noticed the smoke rolling out before I went back inside. Keys are in it if anyone wants a new project

Decided to put the new chromoly axle in it while i'm workin on it. All went together just fine but while I was dinkin around I noticed the CV joint in my front DS is fawked

Go to start it up tonight and it won't start at all. Spins over for a couple seconds then coughs and sputters and if ya hold it on the floor it will run at about 200rpm for a few seconds then sputters out of the carb and dies. :wtf: I know that the timing is spot on(verified by light, sound, and the amount of vacume it is pulling). But anyways, after a couplefew tries my wonderful optima that has been sitting for only a few days decides it is done. I get out(not a very happy camper mind you), just to turn around and see a bunch of smoke coming from under the hood. I pop the hood open real quick and discover the carb is on fire

If there's something good about it at least I noticed the smoke rolling out before I went back inside. Keys are in it if anyone wants a new project

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