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B Gillespie

Well-Known Member
Jul 25, 2008
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5 years in the making; first time for me. Those semesters also included capstone, managerial acct., advanced principles in advertising, and human resource management.

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...even though my dad probably reads his board. laughing1
Do you like Texas? no I see you LOVE Texas. molaugh

Congrats dude, you must have your **** together with your toys and good studies.......what are you doing here? :flipoff1:
Bones said:
Do you like Texas? no I see you LOVE Texas. molaugh

My mom sends E and I lots of funny little stuff like that. E is not the biggest fan of TX, there was a certain undertone in irony in the fridge magnets. laughing1
B Gillespie said:
My mom sends E and I lots of funny little stuff like that. E is not the biggest fan of TX, there was a certain undertone in irony in the fridge magnets. laughing1
I can vouch for E on the not liking Texas as well. laughing1
InDaShop said:
I live in Texas and trade electricty, so you must be really scared of ME!!!! Muwahhaaaaahaaaaa :flipoff1:

I always suspected you of being a godless sodomite, but when you put it together like that I certainly do fear you !! :eek:
InDaShop said:
GOOD JOB!!! When do you find out about the LSAT?

No later than Jan. 5th. Im not stressing about it too hard, whats done is done. I rocked out the writing sample at the end, too bad its not graded. laughing1 That particular test was much different than all previous LSAT's. Rumors had been flying that the LSAC was going to shift some difficulty from logical reasoning to reading comprehension, and they certainly made no confusion with this on the test. One section of the LSAT is always experimental, it gets thrown out. One of the reading comp sections was experimental and I *might* have finished half of it. It had about 10 more questions than normal, every passage was 100+ longer than normal, and all of the answer choices were logic based and looooong. There were zero gimme questions on that section. I made a few stupid mistakes, but it was my first time to take it. I will probably take it again in Feb., see how I do, then either hold off a year on admission to study more for the LSAT, or take my score and run. Like any other standardized test, you can beat it. All you have to know is the formulas they use to create the questions and to be able to pick out the logic form in the question stemm immediately, eliminate as many obviously wrong questions as possible, thn back up your answer choice. I have improved dramatically since I started studying in Aug., another year would probably put me in GOOD scholarship status at most Tier 1 schools, and full ride, books, and stipend at a lower Tier 1 school and below.

I am weighing the opportunity cost between paying full price for school or a small scholarship, or waiting another year and studying more to get a better scholarship or go to a T14 school. My LSDAS calculated GPA isnt too great, without a stellar LSAT score, I probably wont make it into a T14 school. I dont think my attempt at this LSAT was stellar, I do think another 6-8 months of studying at two more tries would put me on top.

All of my letters of recommendation and transcripts are in. Most of my apps are finished, and I am working on my personal statement and resume. My personal statement is awesome, that should give me a little edge, work experience will certainly help me out tremendously.

Top schools of choice:
Wa$h U
Duke, if I can get a baller LSAT score

Cliff's notes:
LSAT score no later than Jan 5th; the Dec. test was way harder than normal
Torn on applying for 09 or 2010 admissions cycle because of monies and school ranking

I welcome opinions on this as well!
Bones said:
I can vouch for E on the not liking Texas as well. laughing1

She has only been to the tater, backward town I grew up in, her perspective is a little "off." I think she might like Dallas, she thinks otherwise. laughing1
P said:
Im scared of Texas and electricity... nuff said

Electricity doesnt kill you, falling off the pole does! Might not even kill you, but at 24 I have a bad knee and fake shoulder. :-\ Law seems a little easier on my person.
B Gillespie said:
Electricity doesnt kill you, falling off the pole does! Might not even kill you, but at 24 I have a bad knee and fake shoulder. :-\ Law seems a little easier on my person.
That and you like to argue :flipoff1:
I dont like to argue, I just like to destroy logical statements and prove my pattern is better. :-*