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Found a pic of my old badass DD WoodGrain !!!

  • Thread starter Thread starter P
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If its free, its P
May 16, 2007
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Your Mom's House
Ahhhh the memories.... I DD'd this bitch for 9months with it rattling like it was going to drop dead any second ( until it finally did a block from my house.. .she still made it home too )

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P and I met in the woodgrain :'( I picked him up and we went to Disney fora cleanup.

Wish I had some of my 1979 2WD Toyota I bought for $200 and with it came a pair of doors and two front toyota axles. Drove it for 6+ months while I did my SAS and tried to kill it but it would not die. Painted some drunken flames on it and a free bird on the hood and sold it for $250. Never titled it, just drove it with the 4runner's plates on it. booyang
Here ya go bones with some old pics...

the white one in the background is the one you gave me and Miles and we jumped it until it the rusty ass frame broke in half ! I got that on video too ! laughing1

KS wheeling party... you never know what's gonna show up there...

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That Grand Waggy had a broken front main leaf on the passenger side and the gas tank was ratchet strapped in because the strap's rusted off the frame. I got a smokin deal on it for 50 bux though !! molaugh
Yea.. it got stuck ontop of junk cars it was trying to go over... open diff's and bigfoot tires dont exactly work when you have huge leaf springs with pipe to the bottom of the frame for swaybar's ! molaugh
I had a 77 wagon with the wood strip down the side. Drove it for almost a year I think. It was a fun truck. My claim to shame was a 1980 4wd subaru station wagon. I rocked that until my brother wrecked it. I got um both from a buy here pay here lot and made $50 a week payments on time every week. I really thought I was cool driving both of these. Especially the subaru, because it had the lighted car on the dash that told me when a door was open and a green button that lit up when it was in 4 double you dee.
Oh I had some great times in the ol wood grain, that thing rode like a caddi and would get it in the woods laughing1

By get it I mean , get a dent in every panel from front to rear hitting sliding rubbin tree's. She was a big ol girl !! loller.gif

Suby wagon's are the biz, I had two different friends that owned one at one point or another... Danny called his the SuBachy ( Sue - Bot Chee ) Cause that is what it sounded like when you wanted to start it for like a minute...

*real fast - subachy subachy subachy subachy subachy molaugh
I loved that thing >:( NOT!

P got pulled over in it once on the way home from work.... Cop asked if it was legal.... P said yes, end of story! :dunno: Crazy cop should have impounded the thing. skully Death trap it was.
Got mine about 10 years ago . Set in the yard for the longest until the wife told me to do something with it . Hell I figured it run to good to scrap so I figured I would try to build something with it.




this happened in the other thread. I've scrapped all mine.
bonus on pictures though. I found a photo album at my parents from 99 when the gray truck made it last stock run before blowing up the first time and getting a make over. all kinds of old wheeling and riding pics from the dunes. I love finding old pics that bring back awesome memories. :woody: