If its free, its P
Friday : Eat some damn fine Italian , go to movies with girls, Woodsy and his Girl , Ambo's buddy and her Hubby.
Sat : Go ride at O'Frost Thirty in Gdale for a bit probably build my new tierod and start on that lil project when I get home , Then a 6 o'clock bday party at our place for several family members. Also have some of Ambers VIP Guest's staying at the house.
Sun: I gotta go to lunch again for Bday stuff and
Do man stuff as time allow's. 
Sat : Go ride at O'Frost Thirty in Gdale for a bit probably build my new tierod and start on that lil project when I get home , Then a 6 o'clock bday party at our place for several family members. Also have some of Ambers VIP Guest's staying at the house.
Sun: I gotta go to lunch again for Bday stuff and