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If its free, its P
May 16, 2007
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Your Mom's House
Tonight: Build front shaft project # 2 using a yota rear axle shaft :woot: Get stuff ready to wheel tommorow if the in-law's are cool with watching HB for a while. If not then I wont get to wheel Amber is working skillet's G'ma's service so me and HB will have to find something to get into.

SAT: see above , no idea in the afternoon. Wait and see if Matt want's to mess with winder net's or not.

SUN: :dunno: May go to church with the fam , may not just going with the flow this weekend for the most part. :wtflol:

Need to clean and get my garage back in order at some point this weekend as well. :****:
Friday - Lunch today with a new momma. Go home after work and clean up the house a bit for Sunday's game (party). meet up with new momma after she is off work at midnight. :wtflol:

Saturday - 36* so I might ride for a little bit, no grip heaters, so limited at best. Litter the Triumph with salt/sand. :****: Wedding that night.

Sunday - Lounge around and later in the day...Stuper Bowl party
Tonight: Loading up the rig. Bleeding brakes on Frank TJ's new blingin Spider 9.

Sat: Cutting trails at a new wheelin spot near Clayton, OK. From the preview pics it looks promising. If the interest is good, the owners are willing to update/upgrade too (cabins, RV hookups, etc) so I hope things work out....

Sun: Cutting trails in the am, superbowl party at my kids place in the pm...
Friday: Deal with the 9th graders for career day :-X

Saturday: COntinue to move out and HOPE my buyer follows through on the house purchase. :dunno:

Sunday: Smoke a Boston Butt and some ribs - drink large quantites of beer with football in the background. thumb.gif
Friday: werk and very little hardline time in new cube.. DOH. Get home, clean house/laundry/room.. take care of domestics...

Saturday: pick up 4Runner that I was supposed to pick up past 3 weekends... havin a party in the evening, havin chicka from college spendin da night :dblthumb: (no bones, not the one you met)

Sunday: chillax, get some misc. small home projects done. No cable or rabbit ears so no superbowl for this guy...
Work on jeep all damn weekend - adding a little metal to the cage.

May try to clean up old ass dodge and see what it will bring on the side of the road - need jeep funds bad
Thursday night-Started working on some frame repair taking stuff off to get to it easier (have a few spots that I found starting to crack)
Friday- work then pick up my son for the weekend
Sat-Hunting club then birthday party (buddy's wife turning 40 tommorrow) Women and he hired her a male stripper at his house We going to do something and then come back to a bunch of worked up women :drinkers: pepper.gif
Sunday- Hopefully have frame ready to do some plating to solve the cracking issues for awhile then Super Bowl Party
today... do nothing
saturday go find some rocks to play on with the rc crawler after the batterys die work on the jeep, sat night hang out with the girlfriend, maybe watch a movie or two pepper.gif
sunday church, jeep work, superbowl
Fri: return phone call to Chrysler district manager, phone conference with law firm that potentially might help pay for school, more taxes, planning the ice storm work, class tonight becase they gave us MLK day off, then realized we had to make it up to meet hour requirements.

Sat: more taxes, get work trucks ready for ice storm work, study for midterms.

Sun: see Sat.
Fri. = Take Dodge to Trans. shop ( going to go ahead and have them rebliud the trans. since the bank is paying for have of it).
Sat. Go back to work (Evening part help work on Randall's buggy RTC to get it ready for Feb. Frenzy)
Sun. Don't know , we will just see what the day bring.
Today going thru certification again since I failed last Friday. Looks like I am gona pass this time. :woot:

Saturday work on Robot at the school all day then study for Economics test and do some Physical Sience.

Sunday going to church and do the fam thing and then study for Economics test and do some Physical Sience.
Friday - Dinner with Jenn

Saturday - Riding and Window Nets After (Yes P, I have wanted to do them for 2 weeks and still want to)

Sunday - Church, Going to pick up enclosed trailer for KOH
Matt O. said:
Sunday - Church, Going to pick up enclosed trailer for KOH
If there is room on that trailer for a Trail 70 from Greg hit me up. I'll have Miles haul it back to KC and I can get it sometime from him.
today, get new K&N for jeep, 1310s and a limiting strap for the rear

Saturday- work a few, then jump on the jeep to go ride sunday

Sunday, go ride id say.
Friday : work then start chopping on my DRW hubs to make them SRW...see tech for questions I have on this

Saturday : put newly acquired sheet metal on jeep roof and finish up a few other things

Sunday : watch the game and wish that it was friday so I could have two more days off
Friday: workout , go to work....
Saturday: workout, unload jeep from trailer and weld on limit strap brackets, and pull down bracket for the winch.
Sunday: workout , finish what I didn't get done Saturday and go buy groceries with the wife. Try a new move on the wife..... :****:
What's up with all the working out... you taking up an underwear modeling gig or something ? :flipoff1: