XBJRA champ/ 555 and team Nasty codriver
Holy ****, for the oil for my new tranny the dealership (only place you can get it) wants $22 a quart
Any other place on the internet is making out as well. crazy ****. Best I have found is 13 a quart, but shipping takes up the gain. I gots miles on the case asking his buddies at McCarthy to get some at cost +10%. Hopefully he comes through. if not, its $95 and change to get my tranny going. BULLSHIT!
Any other place on the internet is making out as well. crazy ****. Best I have found is 13 a quart, but shipping takes up the gain. I gots miles on the case asking his buddies at McCarthy to get some at cost +10%. Hopefully he comes through. if not, its $95 and change to get my tranny going. BULLSHIT!