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Good servo's


-Oh no I picked a side-
Mar 26, 2001
Da gold bar
So whats a good strong servo? I am not 100% sure what servo's I am running but they don't really seem strong enough. I feel like I am running a toy with poorly working powersteering :D I have to rock the rig back/forth while turned to get the wheels to turn(granted your trying to overcome being lincoln locked front/rear)
The hitech 645mg is a pretty good servo for around $50 at one of the LHS. I have run it in my TLT for a year now and about 2 months in my super crawler with 7" LSTs yet it still is alive. Not as strong as it was before the super though but still plenty for my TLT. After that they get expesnsive if you go digital and you have to be able to adjust all the epa's with your controller if you go digital.
whatever you do, don't get the BLUEBIRD servos on Ebay, i got one and it cuts power off all the time, it might be because it is required to be run on 6v instead of the usual 4.8, idk...but yeah like Maniac said the Hitec 645 is decently powered under 4.8 and i've had one for a couple of months now and have swamped it for atleast a half an hour and it still works.:corn:
Hitec 645s are ok for the little trucks, 945 would be better, and if you are going with a big truck or want power steering from hell in a little truck, go with the 5995s, but you will need a good radio with epa, or you could snap the axle with that servo.

I'm sure you can sell that mini van in your garage to some kid as a big hotwheel :flipoff:. Just get 645's for your tlt's you wont be disappointed.