tyler mc
So I put an application in on the interweb about 4 months ago while I was **** faced drunk
and last week I get a call from the fawkers for an interview.
We started out with 100 ,took a test and they narrowed us down to 30, took a nother test and they narrowed us down to 17 , the last 17 had to take an interview.
They said they would call me and let me know eather way,well i never herd anything so I was like fawk it!! dunno Went and talked to my boss and got 5.50 more an hour so I am thinkin hell yeh.
Then yesterday the sum bitches call me and say be there at 8am Monday and get my physical. In other words I am driven fawkin TRAINS for a liven now, so look both ways bitches cause I aint stopin.