Well-Known Member
anybody know what this sound is? i just installed a trac loc lsd in it and from 15mph+ under load it growls.
anybody know what this sound is? i just installed a trac loc lsd in it and from 15mph+ under load it growls.
thats what i think it is. i didnt have the tools to measure it. so i think its off. i didnt have any grease to check with either.
Hopefully it didn't damaged the hardened surface of the gears, once that happens, it won't be long for this world....i drove it maybe a football field if that.
Hopefully it didn't damaged the hardened surface of the gears, once that happens, it won't be long for this world....
I have had a number of gm diffs loose the side bearings with about 1/32" play and been able to get a good setup pattern with no fears of anything failing. Then again I have also had a few that I had to replace the r/p.