When in doubt, the skinny pedal is on the right
A few of us went to Hale Mnt. to day. Had a blast :****: . Park is great and we will go back. Video cam. decided to take a **** today ( actually the sim card fagged out on me). Only got a few pick of Hotrod adn only because my hands unthawed alittle while to take the pics ( 17 deg. yea it was cold). Well here are the pics:
There was alot of carnage today to :
Gary broke a ring and pinion
Nell ( I hope that was his name) also broke a ring and pinion
Monkey cut a tire
I was told Hotrod rig ate it's trans
Mahan my have broke his trans.
and there were alot more that I can't remeber right now.
There was alot of carnage today to :
Gary broke a ring and pinion
Nell ( I hope that was his name) also broke a ring and pinion
Monkey cut a tire
I was told Hotrod rig ate it's trans
Mahan my have broke his trans.
and there were alot more that I can't remeber right now.