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Hardline Crawlers â€" Meeting: September 13, 2010 â€" Home Field, Fultondale


Members Present: Rich Berry, Ricky Berry, Greg Cary, John Galbreath Jr., Tim Kelly, Amie Marsh, Matt Overton.

Members Absent: Cole Shirley, Bob Youmans

Old Business:

Hardline Club Rides:

Harlan, KY.

ACTION: This ride has been cancelled.

Grayrock ORV â€" Fall For All

ACTION:  Hardline will have a club ride on Saturday morning at 8:00AM.  All prospects will be invited.  Matt Overton noted that it is the members responsibility to be there and to meet the prospects.  This ride will be a fast paced ride to cover a lot of the park, and should only last about 4 hours.  Hit it hard and fast.

WindRock ORV Park.  The ride dates are: Friday 10-15 and Saturday 10-16.  With travel dates being Thursday 10-14 and Sunday 10-17.

ACTION: Ride going as planned.  Rich, Gregg, and JohnG are committed to attend.  There was talk about Harlan verses WindRock, but no decision made.

Old Gardendale.  November 13, 2010.  Day trip.

ACTION: There is supposed to be a Cable Hill Competition at Grayrock in November.  If this competition lands on the 13th, we will move our ride.

New Member Prospects:

Rodney Payton, Greg to invite to Grayrock Club Ride at Fall For All Ride

Paul Hydrick..  Tim to invite to Grayrock Club Ride at Fall For All Ride

Sam Gillis.  Greg to invite to Grayrock Club Ride at Fall For All Ride

Don Meadows. John to invite to Grayrock Club Ride at Fall For All Ride

Mason Boren.  Ricky to invite to Grayrock Club Ride at Fall For All Ride

Brent Girup. Waiting on rig to be finished.  May rider with T.K. for this ride.

Daniel Parker.  No rig at this time.  Someone should invite him to ride that has an empty seat.

ACTION:  Invite all prospects to Saturday Hardline ride at Fall For All.

Other Old Business:

RBD â€" Morris Mountain

ACTION: Ricky reported everything is in place for RD.  Hardline will need to schedule members to cover the gate the entire time the park is open.  Also may need assistance at Los Primos for the comp., but it was discussed that between working the gate, and those in the comp, there may not be additional assistance possible it the comp.  Fees will be $30 day, $50 weekend with the club getting $10 day and $20 weekend.  There are no immediate plans for the money other than web expenses and a rainy day fund.  It was suggested that a better start time for the comp. is 10AM, rather than the scheduled 9AM.


ACTION: John G. updated.  All is going according to plans.

New Business:

December Club Ride

ACTION: It was decided to support your favorite park, no December Hardline ride.

Hardline Christmas party

ACTION: Christmas party is Friday, December 3rd, at The Club.  Cocktails in the Gold Room at 6PM, dinner at 8PM.  The Club is a coat and tie establishment.  JohnG has a membership at The Club and members should plan to pay him back that night.  There is no credit cards or cash accepted at The Club, only a member club charge.

Park Owners Group

ACTION: There was discussion for Hardline facilitating a breakfast meeting among the park owners.  This is to assist parks in reducing conflicting schedules. JohnG has agreed to check with Tony Cousins and see if he would allow use of his facility.  Timing is January 2011.  Additional discussion at October meeting.


Meeting location for the October meeting will be at O.T.’s at Acton Road exit on I-459 on Monday 10-4.  Dinner at 6:30PM, meeting immediately following.

Wheeling Calendar

9-25 - MMORV SE Top Truck

10-14 to 10-17 Hardline Ride â€" WindRock ORV

10-23 â€" GR Fall For All

11-13 â€" Hardline Ride â€" Old Gardendale. Day trip.

11-27 â€" MMORV â€" RBD

12-3 â€" Hardline Christmas Party and The Club

12-4 â€" GR â€" Christmas For Kids

12-11 â€" Galbreath Christmas Party

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