Have a Y2k Grand Vitara 2.5L 5-spd 4wd.
Do not have a shop manual so troubleshooting is total fun.:booo:
I'll be ordering that $99.00 sucker today!
Symptom: It ran perfectly on Saturday. Parked it.
Sunday morning... No Start.
It cranks and spins over just fine, and coughs and sputters just enough to let you know that it would start... if SOMETHING was still functioning. (I hate EFI!)
A shot of ether get it to cough over a more few revs, so I'm guessing that it has a fuel issue... Could be totally wrong... (I hate EFI!)
Looking on line says that the Fuel pump relay is located next to the Fuse box. Putting a finger on the relay case indicates that all 4 of them click in some order when the key is turned on. None of them is apparently removable or replaceable as I can not get any of them out.
More web searching turned up a wiring diagram indicating the Pink/Blk wire is the one to the in-tank pump. Finding no place to access it I shoved a pin through the insulation and there is 12V in the wire back in the jack compartment, at least some of the time.
There is Fuel in the tank.
The fuel filter was changed last spring.
(I hate EFI!)
I hate guessing that the pump is the problem at over $200, and pooching around with removing the tank....
The local NAPA says that every part from the pump, to the filter, to the relays are "Dealer only" which I find hard to believe since I know that WIX lists the filter... be that as it may; it is 30 miles to the nearest parts store that will have to order the parts, or dealer (who's reputation SUCKS) and I would like to get the correct parts IF I can as it will save tonz of time...
Do not have a shop manual so troubleshooting is total fun.:booo:
I'll be ordering that $99.00 sucker today!
Symptom: It ran perfectly on Saturday. Parked it.
Sunday morning... No Start.

It cranks and spins over just fine, and coughs and sputters just enough to let you know that it would start... if SOMETHING was still functioning. (I hate EFI!)
A shot of ether get it to cough over a more few revs, so I'm guessing that it has a fuel issue... Could be totally wrong... (I hate EFI!)
Looking on line says that the Fuel pump relay is located next to the Fuse box. Putting a finger on the relay case indicates that all 4 of them click in some order when the key is turned on. None of them is apparently removable or replaceable as I can not get any of them out.
More web searching turned up a wiring diagram indicating the Pink/Blk wire is the one to the in-tank pump. Finding no place to access it I shoved a pin through the insulation and there is 12V in the wire back in the jack compartment, at least some of the time.
There is Fuel in the tank.
The fuel filter was changed last spring.
(I hate EFI!)
I hate guessing that the pump is the problem at over $200, and pooching around with removing the tank....
The local NAPA says that every part from the pump, to the filter, to the relays are "Dealer only" which I find hard to believe since I know that WIX lists the filter... be that as it may; it is 30 miles to the nearest parts store that will have to order the parts, or dealer (who's reputation SUCKS) and I would like to get the correct parts IF I can as it will save tonz of time...