For this job, a big old brass drift is your friend.
Use it to pound on those lockout studs to pop the cone washers out (without deforming the end of the stud). They'll come out nice and easy with the right tool. I've also had decent results using the miniature flathead screwdriver, but more often than not, the slot is all gunked up and I've broken a couple little screwdrivers trying to tap them in there.
Use it to pound on the wheel lugs since they go through the rotor and seat into the hub. Use it to pound the lugs back in once you get the new rotor bolted to the hub assembly (the drift isn't as critical for protecting the lugs, but for access since the heads are recessed into the back side of the rotor). With new rotors, the spline fit is really tight, so just pulling them in with the lug nut over some washers is tough, but do-able if you'd rather pull them in that way.
Good luck.