I have been diagnosed with one level of it about 12 years ago. It is another form of Mononucleosis, I spiked a fever instantly, had NO energy and felt like crap all the time. You never completly get rid of it. Went to the hospital many times and was misdiagnosed at first, but a disease control specialist finally got me on the right track. Medication and rest is the only way around it.
I don't necesarily feel like crap, but I haven't really payed to much attention to how I feel.You know I just roll with the feelin. I'm still wondering how I got it. and why it just now showed up. Their could still be the possibility that they F up when they were taking my blood.
It's possible. When they origianlly diagnosed me, they said I had the Hardcore mudhut, Ethipian version and scared me to death. Days later I went into a 104* temperature and ended up in the Emergency room at Brookwood. The Doc told me that I did not have the **** version of Hepatitus, but a strain that was undiagnosed at that point. They treated it like Hepatitus B and all has been alright since then.
Whew...... false alarm. I don't have the B. My wife and I had to take an anti virus shot for A, and B when we went to Africa. So the anti body of the B showed up.