Yeah but that could be quickly turned against patriots after Oklahoma City, Clinton gave the Government rights to raid farms based upon suspected activities or items. My experience is most farmers are conservative Christian who vote Republican making them easily targets. Chattanooga currently has a large Muslim Academy built or has been built over by Hamilton Place Mall. Terrorist cells or Gorilla groups frequently use rural areas for training, Che preached that himself, easy for home grown groups due to the fact that at least some of the population will support the ideology. Now Muslims in Tennessee not hard to believe on the fact that we have a large inter city population of angry fatherless blacks and the Muslim snatched these angry men up in correctional facilities or gangs or both. More back to the point we already have enough bullshit laws raping our rights away but it wouldn't help anyone with more and more encroachment by Gov into the lives of rural america or law abiding citizens. OK rant over..