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how long---> raw-doggin' till preggars..??


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2007
Reaction score
Stilwell, KS
Another roommate post.

Lil' fugger been baggin nasty fatties without wrappin up his lil' smokie... How long till he gets a bish preggars ya think??

I've always thought that high probability and been scared into the bag-it-before-you-tag-it routine... He just tells me when he's "in the moment" he doesnt care... :wtflol:... Any you fuggers with kids or accidents holler at me cause I'm tryin to figure out a timeline on when to expect him to be a baby daddy.. there's 3 of us throwin down $20 bets---I just wanna have a lil more educated bet so I'm turnin to the elite team of hardline forum members laughing1 :dunno: maybe I feed the dumb bastard MT. Dew and bank on him being a lucky bastart and just walkin away with the clap and no kiddo :puke: laughing1
It's like rollin the dice man - my POS brother in-law was bare baking nast hoes for years and was convinced he just could not do it. Finally caught up with last year - knocked up some crack hoe :puke:
my most recent ex brought it up one time that she forgot her pill. I freaked a bit, knowing you can miss a day here and there. No she misses WAY more, like almost all week type ****. I freaked the F out. I was releasin' the baby batter on her belly, but F that **** ninja. After the last go round I could not take it anymore and cut all ties again. I have yet to knock a chick up, not even a scare, no time to start either.
You gettin' lucky bones.. yer an old dumb bastard with no kids so I guess that gives me hope for this fool :flipoff1:

Its not my responsibility so I shouldnt care//and I really don't.. We were just jokin when he was tellin' us the last 4 fugly females he's brought home in 3 months of living with me not once used teh rubber... later he tells us he's pretty sure he has been buryin the baby batter cuz he doesnt know where it went laughing1 (he gets drunk then hollers at the fatties)

me "so dude she on the pill"
him "I hope so"
me "did you even ask?"
him "nah, most chicks are on it" ::)

laughing1 laughing1...

me "well she could be lookin' for a baby daddy---she is friends with your sister(2 kids from 2 dads)"
kid at work (20 years old) started "seeing" this girl. little background: she's his age, was married to a marine. said kid was hit'n it before the divorce was done. came to work bragging about how he's been knock'n it out all night, blah blah blah (this kid aint had ***** since ***** had him) and no rubber and she's not on any sort of birth control. couple weeks go by and then he comes into work and tells us she's had one in the oven for a little bit. i'd say all this happened with in a month and a half. he is about as worthless as they come, cause his family is loaded. he says kids are no big deal. i see an interesting future for him.
I guess ya can't fix stoopid laughing1

Owell at least the latest chunky chick buys him dog food for his dog and is paying for her to be spade... she's payin for da weiner
blacksheep10 said:
well.........what do you mean how long does it take.
It only takes once.
no really
ask me


Hell yea and you are gonna be a daddy... that lil fugger is gonna terrorize you dude :flipoff1: with all the wild antics you've put yer folks thru... 10 fold lol
Kelly is a sessual profit...a messiah if you will :dblthumb:

I am actually looking forward to wrapping it up on my next conquests, I can fawk with a clear(ER) head. :cougar:
blacksheep10 said:
and I'm going to tell him.. it only takes once. even a half a shot. Not worth taking a chance on. I know not wrapping feels better. the responsibilty is on the guy's shoulders. pullig out isnt' enoguh

So she was all natural when this happened..
On the once daily???
whats the skinny?
the skinny...not her right now laughing1
just came off the pill, was making her crazy. we went to condoms and were good about rhythm. then once it was borderline (like 6 days after her period) and I went without wrapping. Pulled out too, but let a little bit off inside. a very little bit. that was all it took. apparently we are both fertile. ::)
Good friend I work with found out Friday night is GF of 3 months is Pregnant. Needless to say he got engaged the next day and is getting married in March.
Cole said:
Good friend I work with found out Friday night is GF of 3 months is Pregnant. Needless to say he got engaged the next day and is getting married in March.

Bummer.. but sometimes that works itself out.

My cousin was knocked up like within a week of knowing a dOOd... prolly the night they met lol.. They are still together and baby is maybe 8 months old? I bet he stays with her too, he is the product of a rape victim... IE his mom got raped, preggars, had the kid and that's him... My cousin is bipolar so good luck with that dOOd...
Cole said:
Good friend I work with found out Friday night is GF of 3 months is Pregnant. Needless to say he got engaged the next day and is getting married in March.

stoopid... get engaged live together find out if your life's together are going to work out and be responsible for your child. Not a reason to rush and get married prior to jr. showing up. Yea, looking back at that wedding is going to be a real treat

" Yep your momma was 5 month's pregnant and I figured **** I dun knocked er up I best make an honest woman out of er " :wtflol:
My ex's cousin found out she was preggers and told her bf. His exact reply, in front of a few people, was, "****, I guess I have to marry you now huh?" I laughed my ass off!! Yeah, that marriage only lasted about 2.5 years
I'm glad I got a steep set of stairs at my house :dblthumb:

plan A wrapper up/pull out
plan B take da pill
plan C stairs