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hydraulic steering question


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2012
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I have a jeep with a GM 350 stock power steering pump (new) with full hydo steering. After about 30 min of riding it becomes hard to steer. Any advice?
after it cools off does it steer better mine did this come to find out my pump was bad changed pump was good to go
After it gets hot first time it can sit for 15 min then steers good for bout 10/15 min then gets hard again :driving:
Need a good cooler with fan as already stated.... Also make sure your return line is adequate.. My experience as far as pumps they either work or don't (stock gm). Never really had one slowly go away. Once the pump was going it was down hill fast an did not come back.

Had truck once Rockwells locked f/r could not make lap around shop before steering gave up ...... Installed "big" cooler with fan, never had problem again.