Hopefully i do not get flamed to badly but fawk it, I am new to full hydro and about at my whits end.
I have a single ram hydro setup on a new to me rig. This one has the steering column going into it and opposite side of that is where the hoses come out. I replaced the power steering pump. I have bled the system to the "T" according to PSC. I still cannot get it to turn without working the **** out of it, especially back to the drivers side.
HELP, fawk with me all you like but someone please lay some knowledge on me
I have a single ram hydro setup on a new to me rig. This one has the steering column going into it and opposite side of that is where the hoses come out. I replaced the power steering pump. I have bled the system to the "T" according to PSC. I still cannot get it to turn without working the **** out of it, especially back to the drivers side.
HELP, fawk with me all you like but someone please lay some knowledge on me