So, I got facts messed up in my last XRRA article. I wrote that Eric Childress had the fastest time of the day, when it was actually Brian Shirley. I feel like an idiot. :
blacksheep10 said:sounds like your feelings have a good solid foudation
Cole said:Atleast you weren't the one who called Deasons buggy a Poison spyder Bruiser. ;D
Speeding said:Man Rob, tell us how you really feel! ;D
I know it's one tiny mistake and I'm new blahblahblah... I still feel bad about not giving credit where credit is due. I am looking forward to some trail ride articles I have coming up though, they're gonna be sooo much more fun/easier to write!
Speeding said:Dude... my head is going to be spinning.
with your witchcraft!BamaTJ said:Help me Tom Cruise,!