If its free, its P
The recent tweak's and mod's I've done to it lately with the help of Wood's has really gotten this thing close to sorted out and smooth.
Like mentioned in the AC thread we rode G dale yesterday and running down the street we were high 60 70mph range and it just started to vibe the front driveshaft ( this is a full hydro buggy with drive flanges on pavement mind you... ) I was really impressed because last month i wouldnt have taken this thing 40mph down the road with the 2pc front driveline and the Orbital I had , Hell the wheels and tire's are a huge improvement as well I never feel the flatspotting from sitting through the week that i always experienced with the Irok's laughing1
On the trail , man the orbital once again proved to be worth every penny . Im currently at 2.5 lock to lock on steering and its effortless in every situation. We ran through the creek bottom from the Stair's to yellowjacket and you all know there are several really tight turns and I could maintain plenty of speed and steer through the woods just fine " one hand on ya " style.
The Radio install makes the trail riding alot of fun but I have a cheapy ass battery and well..... I need to be more attentive to leaving the power on and radio playing while we are hangin out. Ran the battery down and had to do a swap from CheapJ7's to mine to start it since we didnt have any jumper cables with us. Kind of a PITA. But nice to cruise around all day with the tunes on
Like mentioned in the AC thread we rode G dale yesterday and running down the street we were high 60 70mph range and it just started to vibe the front driveshaft ( this is a full hydro buggy with drive flanges on pavement mind you... ) I was really impressed because last month i wouldnt have taken this thing 40mph down the road with the 2pc front driveline and the Orbital I had , Hell the wheels and tire's are a huge improvement as well I never feel the flatspotting from sitting through the week that i always experienced with the Irok's laughing1
On the trail , man the orbital once again proved to be worth every penny . Im currently at 2.5 lock to lock on steering and its effortless in every situation. We ran through the creek bottom from the Stair's to yellowjacket and you all know there are several really tight turns and I could maintain plenty of speed and steer through the woods just fine " one hand on ya " style.
The Radio install makes the trail riding alot of fun but I have a cheapy ass battery and well..... I need to be more attentive to leaving the power on and radio playing while we are hangin out. Ran the battery down and had to do a swap from CheapJ7's to mine to start it since we didnt have any jumper cables with us. Kind of a PITA. But nice to cruise around all day with the tunes on