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ifs parts to make the toy front housing wider?


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2006
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I need to make my toy front housing wider.I would prefer not to use alluminum spacers.

Ive heard you can swap in some ifs parts and tacoma rotors and get 1.5" on each side.

Is there a right up on this mod?

anybody got some info or a link to the parts list of what i need to do this.

Thanks appreciate youre help.:redneck:
Thats true, but I think it is more like 1 3/8" wider each side. Use IFS hubs, FJ60 rotors, IFS calipers and your SA selectors. I beleive the wheel bearings are the same in a IFS and SA hub. I believe Pirate has the tech article.
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There is a few ways to do it, but the typical way you don't use taco brake rotors just all ifs stuff. You then end up running the brake caliper on the wrong side of the knuckle tabs.

Honestly I think the spacers are less hack then mounting the calipers to the unmachined side of the knuckle but lots of people do it.

There is a fancy larger taco rotor swap Brian at Front Range Offroad has done as a prototypeon his ftoy, he's still working on it as far as I know to make it ready for production. Downside is you need 17" wheels.
Mike I've done it two ways, the way I did mine was using fj rotors, they are all the same specs prior to 97 but the number of bolts holding the rotors to the hubs is either 2 or 6 depending on the year the rotors are off of.

Swap the IFS hubs on using solid axle inner seals and measure how much if any of the ears on the knuckle and or caliper to remove so the caliper is centered over the rotor. Then just machine it to fit and you're done.
You can do this swap with either the stock solid rotor and narrow caliper as well as IFS calipers and fj rotors but honestly why the fawk would you use that stock crap when vented is superior?

The other way I've done it is to use tacoma rotors and either 4 or 6 cylinder IFS calipers. You'll have to machine the OD of the hub down so the rotor will slide on over the studs. In that setup you'll have to add some machine washers in between the caliper and knuckle as the torot has a different offset hat.

You'll have to be sure your wheels will clear the calipers if using IFS calipers in the first setup and definately in the second.
So the 1 3/8" wider is what i get eh?

Sounds like a bit of a pain for that much.Im going to hold off on this untill I finish the rea rdisc conversion.Then Ill know how wide I need to be in the front.Cause I think I want to be lil wider in the front than the back.I konw my rc crawlers work better that way,they turn better when you doing a dig with the wider front,I would think that would be true for the big rigs also.

OPINIONS on my thinking on this?
It is 1 3/8" wider each side so 2.75" wider all the way across. If you did it this way then the front would be 1.25" wider then the back. If you did the spacers then the front would be 1.50" wider then the back all the way across. Doing the disk conversion on the rear really doesn't add anything measurable to the width. The rotors take the place of the drums. The rotor thickness is a bit thicker then the drums.

So the 1 3/8" wider is what i get eh?

Sounds like a bit of a pain for that much.Im going to hold off on this untill I finish the rea rdisc conversion.Then Ill know how wide I need to be in the front.Cause I think I want to be lil wider in the front than the back.I konw my rc crawlers work better that way,they turn better when you doing a dig with the wider front,I would think that would be true for the big rigs also.

OPINIONS on my thinking on this?
Sky Manufacturing offers a Front Axle widen kit which utilizes IFS hubs and rotors. Adds 3 inches total to the width of the front axle. Sells for about $220.
all those options suck compared to a pair of 70dollar bolt them on spacers.:rolleyes:

What do you gain over spacers with all that time and effort? Nothing I can see. The scrub radius still sucks either way. whats the point?

Why are people afraid of wheel spacers? its not like the old days of 1/2 inch thick 15 holed shim spacers with two threads holding lugnets.:rolleyes:
I did it because it is a FREE way to widen the front axle. I ended up putting spacers on later to keep the tires off of the springs too. Which would you rather see with a yota axle, IFS hubs with 1 1/2" spacers or 3" spacers?

But no, the IFS hub option doesn't suck. It actually works really well.
the way I did mine was using fj rotors, they are all the same specs prior to 97 but the number of bolts holding the rotors to the hubs is either 2 or 6 depending on the year the rotors are off of.

Swap the IFS hubs on using solid axle inner seals and measure how much if any of the ears on the knuckle and or caliper to remove so the caliper is centered over the rotor. Then just machine it to fit and you're done.
You can do this swap with either the stock solid rotor and narrow caliper as well as IFS calipers and fj rotors but honestly why the fawk would you use that stock crap when vented is superior?

The other way I've done it is to use tacoma rotors and either 4 or 6 cylinder IFS calipers. You'll have to machine the OD of the hub down so the rotor will slide on over the studs. .

I did it because it is a FREE way to widen the front axle. I ended up putting spacers on later to keep the tires off of the springs too. Which would you rather see with a yota axle, IFS hubs with 1 1/2" spacers or 3" spacers?

But no, the IFS hub option doesn't suck. .

Thirty a piece for rotors and $ for some other misc parts?

$60 atleast and an afternoons work to figure all that crap out, plus how many hours of reading on how many sites to get the right combo the first time.

I can bolt on spacers that I got here for 40 bucks on in less than ten minutes.

Then I dont have to figure out if I have two or six bolts to deal with on the rotors.:corn:
I actually did the swap before I knew it was possible... I was tearing down an IFS setup and wondered if the bearings were the same.. Well one thing led to another and there it was.

I had all the parts already so no I didn't have to hunt down a single part but I can imagine not everyone would have the crap I had laying around. But the fact of the matter is most people are doing SAS's these days so the ifs crap is sitting there already anyway, they have a choice, they can either buy stock solid axle rotors and calipers or buy fj rotors and reuse their stock calipers.

The 2 or 6 bolt deal is negligable. The only time you need to think about it is if you are not doing a IFS hub swap, you'll need the older fj40 or 60 rotors. If you are using IFS hubs you need fj80 simple as that.

You can keep your already damaged spacers. I'll keep my silid setup that just flat worked. I could lock up my 38's on dry pavement at 4 psi and never had an issue. :D
I thought I had all the stuff I needed to do this laying around but I dont.I dont have the time to source all the stuff.It will be easier to just pick up the phone and order the spacers lol.So I guess Im going with the spacers.

Appreciate your time to answer my questions,your debate was a good read.

Thanks guys!!:redneck:
Hey mike The best way we found was using ifs hubs, calipers 95-04 Tacoma slip on rotors, you have to machine you hubs so that the rotor will slide over it and you have to space the caliper using some washer so it does not rub on the rotor. I like this way because if you have to pull a birfield it's just pull the caliper slide the rotor off then just remove your spindle bolts and the whole assembly comes off..no messing with wheel bearings on the trail. i would run the snap ring on the end of the birfield though, we haven't been and bobby long said that's why our front ends have been popping...you only have to pull the locking hub selector to get to it anyways so it's not a lot of extra work

hope this makes sense or helps haha:redneck:

Thanks Ricky.Ya theres some deffinat pro's to that combo.But like I said I dont have the stuff and Im getting to the point where im tired of modifing parts to fit this rig.So im just going with the spacers.

I dont really see it as a compromise,so im cool with the spacers.
The advantage of the IFS hubs, tacoma rotors, and ifs calipers is that you can access the spindle bolts and remove the entire spindle, wheel hub and bearings making the servicing the knuckle or pulling the birf a much easier job. Plus you get the far superior vented rotors and larger IFS calipers that you wouldnt get running spacers. Also, some people complain about spacers loosening on daily drivers although I never had a problem.

I have ran all three setups and the taco rotor with IFS calipers is the best bang for the buck and functionally. I ran mine with 40" tires for 5 years and even with 44" TSL's and zero issues. It is a very proven mod. :beer:
I thought I had all the stuff I needed to do this laying around but I dont.I dont have the time to source all the stuff.It will be easier to just pick up the phone and order the spacers lol.So I guess Im going with the spacers.

Appreciate your time to answer my questions,your debate was a good read.

Thanks guys!!:redneck:

Man that was easy!! Its a ten minute install to.:beer: