laughing1 I was just doing my duty as "Forum" ass clown , entertainment provider. Forums have sucked lately so I decided Id stir the **** storm back up. You'll see it randomly through your forum browsing today. Then I shall go back to my corner and you can call me mushroom as I get feed **** and sit in the dark .
Im on the fence on this entire weekend, I have given up the dream and desire to wheel.. tires cost to much money and now that my machine is the most capable, sexual unit on the planet tires seem to be the only issue I ever have and tire manufactures are scared of my insane HP so it is not a finacially wise decision for them " In this economy " to sponser me. I was told by one manufacturer that if Id swap a V6 into it they'd give me tires for life.... which is almost a good deal but I need my whooomp pow to keep proper with my immaculate technique .
I think for this event I will just drink Barley Pop with friends and lounge about in the woods with my party panties on. Of course if anyone needs professional advice or assistance i can be riched on my personal hotline... 3.50 for the first minute and .99cents for each additional, kids ask for your parents consent before you call.