Rock bouncing mud whomper
The beach was ****IN HOT.
Tacky jacks 2 is full of cougars...
The ocean fishing sucked ass.
Caught a buncha sharks, 2- 4ft bull shark/HammerHead on the surf just off the beach.... Trout were hittin hard too... Tuesday night 2 35+lbs bull redfish....
bet we caught 20 1 ta 2 ft blacktips right on the edge of the beach.
Saw transformer 2, It was awesome.
Being it was so hot during the day, I caught up on all CSI (Miami, Vegas, ANd New york...) even caught up on Daisy of love...
stayed in the 100s all week.
no jelly fish all week...
Left yesterday at 8pm and got home @ 4a.m. this morning...
Got up at 8ish and went to a New offroad park opening soon.... 20 mins from the house... and it was very badass... lotsa rocks. :****:
resting while typin this so i can go to the mud drags tonight...
Im ****in tired.
Tacky jacks 2 is full of cougars...
The ocean fishing sucked ass.
Caught a buncha sharks, 2- 4ft bull shark/HammerHead on the surf just off the beach.... Trout were hittin hard too... Tuesday night 2 35+lbs bull redfish....
bet we caught 20 1 ta 2 ft blacktips right on the edge of the beach.
Saw transformer 2, It was awesome.
Being it was so hot during the day, I caught up on all CSI (Miami, Vegas, ANd New york...) even caught up on Daisy of love...

stayed in the 100s all week.
no jelly fish all week...
Left yesterday at 8pm and got home @ 4a.m. this morning...
Got up at 8ish and went to a New offroad park opening soon.... 20 mins from the house... and it was very badass... lotsa rocks. :****:
resting while typin this so i can go to the mud drags tonight...
Im ****in tired.