If you cannot attend but have a Elbe related question or concern let myself or Pokey know, we'll bring it up and report back.
How much money was made off the Busywild area timber and what schools did the money go to?
How much money was made off the Busywild area timber and what schools did the money go to?
The money from timber sales goes to the stakeholders namely public schools.(all of them) The whole premisis of the DNR is to manage state lands for the schools. The value of the sale should be avail on DNRs website if you search for it.
Thanks for not attending, we're having a great time...:beer:
such a good time that your browsing and posting on forums instead of participating with the group :haha:
When is the next meeting?
Bridge on Gotcha needs fixed.
Its coming apart. Looked like someone piled a bunch of small logs on it where boards were missing.