on discovery channel right now
bigsilly said:Very good show. They did a good job on it. It did not look like a bunch of mud whompin' rednecks.
Toddy said:Funny how they called Big Rich the father of Rock crawling ar some ****. He wasnt even around when the comps started at Jellico. And they called Jellico the Daytona of rock crawling and they are not haveng a crawling comp there this year. Great show alll together.
I thought I remembered hearing something about this. Was Jellico purchased and now they're making it a park? If so how many acres?Matt O. said:Yeah there have been several rides/workdays up there already between Keith and Tony
Toddy said:Funny how they called Big Rich the father of Rock crawling ar some ****. He wasnt even around when the comps started at Jellico. And they called Jellico the Daytona of rock crawling and they are not haveng a crawling comp there this year. Great show alll together.
Toddy said:Yeap those were the good ol days. Remember welding in the camp ground. I remember the walk back out of that hole in the 3rd picture. I hated that place. Remember sitting waiting for the rain to stop so we could run. That was way back in the day of the DOT 35's.
That last pic, isnt that about the same spot Shupe came off and rolled and broke his arm?
The 2nd pictue is the crazy dude with the mohawk that back flipped on that climb isnt it? I remember him getting out and yelling something about a rock star after that.