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JRich's Shop build


Mustache rides?
Jul 7, 2007
Reaction score
Jasper, al
Well.. didn't get **** done on the taco this evenin, but made big progresss on the shop.

40x80 40x60 enclosed 20 ft covered area, no walls
14 ft walls, 17 ft in the center

2 rolling doors in front, sliding door rear, access door side
4x6 walls 6x6's in the corners 5 ft centers 2x6 trusses

scored all the trusses and enough metal to do teh room and sides from tearing down a newer chicken house that was no longer going to be used...
Heres the progress so far..





I think the taco's gonna fit just fine... :eek:

we said if we ever built one we were gonna do it right...

You should have seen when I strapped paul to the top of the lull and did 4 wheel cyclones in the yard.. :drinkers:
I Notice in most picks you are riding in the bucket and not actually working. Nice :flipoff1:
Matt O. said:
I Notice in most picks you are riding in the bucket and not actually working. Nice :flipoff1:
No "Bucket" to speak of.. If your talking about riding those wobbly ass forks 32 feet up in teh air, then yes thats me....

Top man doesn't have to do "Much" work... aside from positioning the truss, leveling it, bracing it, measuring and operating the nail gun..all at the same time, and not falling your ass off... :wtflol:
Thanks man... Gna be slicked up whirlybirded concrete.. figure 8 mini bike races ahead...

Looking for a 4 post lift right now. Mig and bender are comin from Santa

Building a large tool room in the back corner, and plan to have the Man cave loft above it...
Scored 2 hanging propane chicken house heaters today....
I am sure you will be happy to not have to work outside any more, plus you will have a sweet place to live after college and it will not "technically" be with your parents :flipoff1:
Matt O. said:
I am sure you will be happy to not have to work outside any more, plus you will have a sweet place to live after college and it will not "technically" be with your parents :flipoff1:

I already got a sweet ass mobile mansion son, I got the deferred payments for life 8)