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King Of the Hammers 2009 Jeff Knoll post...

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If its free, its P
May 16, 2007
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Your Mom's House
Soon enough, the Mighty will show their worth, and the meek lay wasted in a trail of broken dreams.
Soon enough, the late nights and endless weeks of hard work will be forgotten for the glory of the dust, the smell of race fuel, and the sound of victory.
Soon enough, the fever of anticipation will make way to the fight for survival.
Soon enough, the second crusade will begin in the dawning of the new day.
Soon enough, the masses will gather to crown a King. Who will carry the weight of the scepter?

The thought alone of the travel that will take place to attend this event is sometimes overwhelming. To think that for almost a week the leaders of an industry will assemble in the middle of one of the greatest collections of trails known, a place as remote as beautiful. It gives me great pleasure. The friendships that have transpired, and those yet to be made, the journey from idea to fruition, and the commitment of a a collection of people the world may never know, yet have no wish to be named.

King of the Hammers can never happen without an assembly of commitment. Neither Dave or I could ever do justice to the amount of help we receive in putting this together. From the simple to the complex, there are tiers of people working together to make this event happen. To see the cars being built, the commerce, the innovation, and the participation of the industry gives hope to the future of our sport.

I hope you will join us on line or better yet on the lake bed, to witness 92 drivers from all walks of the off-road nation blast into the unknown, and hopefully into history. The course this year will prove a daunting task for many. We have spent many hours researching the Johnson Valley OHV area for a combination of terrain and texture that will test machine and man. All forms of desert terrain less mud are represented. Not only will you need to traverse the worst of desert racing's pounding whoops, and the worst of rock crawlings holy grail "the Hammers" but you will be faced with sand hills, technical medium speed trail sections, high speed washes, and ultimately wide open lake beds..... Yes, Plural lake beds. There are sections of race course that will test your will to continue, and more then a few jumps that would make Mickey Thompson proud. There are G-outs that will squeeze your energy, and cross grain that will pound your machine. We have worked hard to make King of the hammers an extremely tough race..... Not just whoops and Rocks. Don't under estimate this race.

If you build it they will come. In 2008 we took our vision to the web via Pirate 4x4.com and the masses tuned in. This year we will again race on Friday, so you may watch at work. Pirate will need to make their own announcement regarding coverage, but I am impressed to say the least. In addition we will offer live tracking of the race via rallytrack.

We hope to announce this week a few new partnerships that will help propel this race into the souls of an even greater fan base. For 2009 we have added the LCQ, and a contingency row that is shaping up to generate opportunities for both drivers and vendors who are participating. We are thankful for the new partnerships we have made in a very difficult economy, yet encouraged by the growth when some said it could be impossible.

Please support those who support this race, without them we might still be running under the moon light, or chasing the OG thirteen through the desert.

Only one will walk away with the crown..... Who will be the victor? Just to finish will be a sign of excellence!

Lets hear your pick to win King of the hammers 2009 and why?

See you in 20 days.
I got a feeling Wayes will start first and finish first. You'll see less breakage this year. :dblthumb:
I think there will be some yard sale action goin on. yes, alot of those guys are badass fabbers, but I think there will be some people that end up in a hurry and they will pay for it. its awesome how many new rigs there are in this field, but its kinda crazy how late they all started building them.....down to the wire wrenching and no testing=boom. if you look at one of the campbell rigs that they just took out for testing, bent a coilover, busted the frame, and some other stuff came apart while testing on the lake bed. http://pirate4x4.com/forum/showthread.php?t=667584&page=20
its gonna be badass for sure! booyang :driving:
Drive hard....

I will be rooting for all the guys that are on this board, gonna be a tough race no matter how you look at it :woot:

That campbell rig broke after Shafers cut it al up and redid it. If we make the race I am gonna make Kim stop and pic up all the bling ass parts that are falling off everybodys rigs.

Gonna be a long race. The one who can find the right combo of speed and keeping a rig together will come out on top.

Toddy said:
If we make the race I am gonna make Kim stop and pic up all the bling ass parts that are falling off everybodys rigs.

She will have to fight with me over them, I already said I was going to ride around in the Rhino doing that :****:
Schraer's Campbell 1 week build. Shaeffer's cut it up and re-did it. He looks completely out of control to me, or on the verge at least. I just wanna finish man, and I have no intentions on wadding up my car hitting **** like that at speed.

DSI's new ride is slick, I saw the top secret build photos. Jason at S&N built himself a new chassis and was finished in a week! That is getting it!
I dont think he looked completely out of control at all, in fact i was rather impressed with how well that straight axle rig was moving across the whoop's . Thats an amazing rig. And i agree Matt, not only is it pointless to wad the rig up its also dangerous to think yours with "just" coilover's is capable of that kind of speed across that ****. You have a great rig and it will do very well. :dblthumb:
I have put so much time into it and have had so much help, that it would blow to not qualify. I will try my best and then all I want to do is finish if I get in. No desire to drive 100 mph or try and prove my nuts are bigger than the next guy. Just wanna said I did the best I could. Looking fwd to the trip!
P said:
I dont think he looked completely out of control at all, in fact i was rather impressed with how well that straight axle rig was moving across the whoop's . Thats an amazing rig. And i agree Matt, not only is it pointless to wad the rig up its also dangerous to think yours with "just" coilover's is capable of that kind of speed across that ****. You have a great rig and it will do very well. :dblthumb:

I think coilovers or bypass, whatever. THese are still solid axle rigs, too many think they put bypasses on their rig and now it is a trophy truck. Far from it. Randy is "just" running coilovers. I think driving like you are in a trophy truck will lead to a wadded up car or a major failure (like in the vid). Granted some of the purpose built rigs have much better chances of maintaining speed in a controlled way through rough sections. Gotta put stuff in perspective and realize your limits. Testing around here has helped me learn mine. I am just ging to have fun and do my best. I would rather finish in the top 20 than be "cool" on the internet :flipoff1:
Matt O. said:
I would rather finish in the top 20 than be "cool" on the internet :flipoff1:
****, you already have that on lock down. You are the coolest dude I know on the internet :flipoff1:
bigsilly said:
****, you already have that on lock down. You are the coolest dude I know on the internet :flipoff1:

You must not know many on the internet cause I aint cool :flipoff1:

I see a lot of people throwing big money bling at their rig just to say they have this part or that part, or they can go this fast. I think Randy and Wayes are great examples of going with the essentials and testing and tuning while others are working! I mean look at that douche Lippy Larry. Dude was actualy setting ok with a finished rig months ago then they put him next to Randy at the Expo and holy ****, he is building a new rig just to run bypass shocks.