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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2010
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Well it just filled up with the max of 50. I cannot believe how quickly that happened. Even after the 50th entry that was Fred Hill's came in Jeff said FedEx showed up with 3 more. I noticed that Will Carter is one of the one's that did not make it in on time. Crazy stuff!! I figured with all of the opportunities to qualify this year that they would not have filled up the LCQ. That means there will be 140 race teams on the lake bed this year, and 40 that will not take the green flag on February 11, 2011. In the words of Woodlee "It's that damn big".

This is the list, at the end it shows 50 two times. Someone on the list is moving to a merit spot, they have not released the name yet.

1.)Shawn Inman car # 187
2.)Scott Sines car # 88
3.)BJ Allen car # 4426
4.)Harold Fijman car # 777
5.)Michael Smith car # 56
6.)Billy Briney car # 4439
7.)Alex Hardaway car # 421
8.)Paul Hoffman car # 4483
9.)Jeff Hollfelder Car # 67
10.)Warren Thomas Car # 257
11.)Derren Henke Car # 4441
12.)David Buchberger car # 911
13.)Jermey Hengl car # 85
14.)Ryan Pierce car # 72
15.)Gregg McNair Car # 1544
16.)Brian Tilton car # 4416
17.)Keith Northrup car # 1028
18.)Joe Bunker car # 864
19.)Michael Foster car # 3430
20.)Joey Archuleta car # 127
21.)Mike Stowe car # 269
22.)Ritchie Carter car # 4474
23.)Gary Ferravanti JR. Car # 117
24.)John Goodby car # 450
25.)Bill Kreisel car # 407
26.)Andy Johnson Car # 124
27.)Louie Keener car # 4496
28.)Chris Pook car # 4477
29.)Randy Slawson Car # 4448
30.)Jon Moulden car # 2175
31.)John Bennett car # 4491
32.)Brian Shirley car # 18
33.)Levi Shirley car # 81
34.)Jason Blanton Car # 966
35.)Jack Childers Car # 4469
36.)Jon Cagliero car # 27
37.)Joel Withers car # 4447
38.)Tim Diekman car # 4343
39.)Jim Brown car # 104
40.)Matt Peterson car # 212
41.)Rusty Bray Car # 4498
42.) Terill Johnson Car # 4442
43.) Mike Klensin Car # 143
44.)Nathan Unruh Car # 63
45.)Jason Fowler car # 879
46.)Craig Ross car # 4138
47.)Casey Beach
48.)Rob Lynch
49.)Chris Garrison
50.)Dustyn Friesen
50.)Fred Hill
Bones said:
I'm kinda wanting to go out this year for some reason. :dunno:

Bring it, I got a cot I will share with you drool hitit

Seriously, I have room for you and I could use the pit help.
bigsilly said:
Bring it, I got a cot I will share with you drool hitit

Seriously, I have room for you and I could use the pit help.
I'll hitch a ride from Ontario and check into flights.

Where the fawk is your rig? :driving:
Bones said:
I'll hitch a ride from Ontario and check into flights.

Where the fawk is your rig? :driving:

Should not be hard to find a ride.

My rig is being worked on as we speak :****: Should be driving it in a few weeks. :driving: :dblthumb:

Slawson has been building a new version of the bomber.

I am actually amazed how fast the LCQ went, especially for just 10 spots. Last year there was 20 spots and not even 40 entered. Lots of folks as usual don't even have a built rig on the main list and lcq list, so there will be more spots open up. Fred Hill owes me one, I say his name missing two nights ago when there was 9 spots left. He doesn't check pbb often and was travelling to texas. He had no clue. He got his co-driver in California to overnight it.

I am not trying to be negative or preaching from my soapbox but they have had a lot of qualifiers and not given out as many spots this year. This whole top 10 non-qualified has given a good many spots back to them. They have more spots to give/sell this year than they did in any previous year. They only race they gave away guaranteed spots were Stampede and KOH 2010, I bet they stop taking KOH Top 20 this year and just do top 10.
Yeah Matt no doubt more spots got held back this year. But they are not making a secret out of the fact they are turning this into a good money maker for them. I say good for them, they put their ass on the line to make it happen and they spend a lot of money to make it what it is. This year was so much bigger than when you were there in 2009 Matt. And I know 2011 is gonna be even bigger than this year.
I don't fault them for making money, I just hate that so many spots are not "earned" like years past. I think the insane LCQ response shows that there are a huge number of regular guys that want to be a part of this race.
I'll say it here once and leave it at that.
I'm very disappointed in the way Dave and Jeff have done venues.

Basically they have told the venues either they pay Hammerking to grace their property with a race and make them famous or **** off.

Every new venue this past year the places did for free. I was disappointed that niether Jeff or Dave could get on a flight out to the Harlan or the Badlands Qualifiers. I mean seriously? I think thats bullshit.
Now flash to 2011, all those venues got smart and said we arent doing it for free. So Jeff and Dave layed out their list and nearly all of them out.

Go back through the SMORR coverage, Jeff saying its the best venue ever, never seen a park so setup, etc... No SMORR this year....

I have no problem with the way they do the qualifying, I think thats the best way. I think they learned alot about the LCQ last year.

All that said, its their mouse trap, and until someone comes up with a better one.......
InDaShop said:
Go back through the SMORR coverage, Jeff saying its the best venue ever, never seen a park so setup, etc... No SMORR this year....

They got NO GATE. That is what they are looking for, $ at the gate. SMORR was a bust......100 spectators? It is in BFE.....

Not taking up for it, but they need bodies to make these things profitable.
Well they should plenty of gate for KOH since they plan to charge entry for spectators, which they totally should but what a bitch to manage it will be. I personally don't really know them but I think the issue is more Dave than Jeff. To me Jeff does all the work and Dave is along fo the ride and the fame. I respect Jeff a lot, because he has to make tough decisions and truely wants to make everyone happy. Dave's attitude and demeanor have always been one of kiss my ass for creating this, and not thanks for spending all your time and money to be a part of this.

That said the venues for 2011 frustrate the **** out of me, I mean one east coast event. It is RCQ which is more far north than east coast. The rest are all west coast events and the third event in IEC is stampede which is further away than KOH. They need to do east coast series, west coast series and KOH is the big show. I am looking for experience and seat time, but it looks like local races will be more feasible next year.
The RCQ is actually 2 hours further away from me than KOH. :****:

I keep saying I'm going to buy a desert car and stay local just racing the Texas series, but the economic picture out there has me to scared to nut up and lay the cash out on one.

Traveling days on end killed racing for me. I dont know how the Shirleys do it, or you way east coast guys going out west do it. I used to draw the line at 24 hours, but now Bonneville is even further. GAY!
Camo said it best YEARS ago. The only way to make a little money racing is to start out with a lot of money.

People race to race, plain and simple and if you can travel A LOT that makes racing more justifiable.

My $0.02
Matt, there will still be individual qualifiers like ECORRS and the like for KOH 12. The schedule that was released if for that championship alone. There will be lots of ways to qualify besides those that Jeff listed.
I dont really have a problem with KOH but the fact is that it will be unattainable for an average joe to win from here on out. It sucks but thats what comes with new technology and growth in the sport. Awesome race because the the venue and I love the endurance races but my pocketbook hurts too bad from it. Maybe its cause I dont win. :flipoff1:
74_Chevota said:
I dont really have a problem with KOH but the fact is that it will be unattainable for an average joe to win from here on out. It sucks but thats what comes with new technology and growth in the sport. Awesome race because the the venue and I love the endurance races but my pocketbook hurts too bad from it. Maybe its cause I dont win. :flipoff1:

Dude, you are just a dopey kid still. Maybe as your life evolves your pocketbook will evolve with the sport.

It's not going anywhere. Build up your education, get a good job and come back when you have the jack.
22 man, Almost not a kid anymore. :flipoff1: I will be stepping into a very good job next year and im looking forward to getting life in order so i can get back to it at some point.
74_Chevota said:
22 man, Almost not a kid anymore. :flipoff1: I will be stepping into a very good job next year and im looking forward to getting life in order so i can get back to it at some point.

I literally have boots older than you son. skully

It will happen.

FYI, I spent my 22nd birthday in Northern Iraq. I have come a LONG way since then. $750 every 2 weeks and $250 a month Hazardous Duty pay.....