So how are the rocks holding up?
I was getting ready for another workday on Rainier Vista till I took my motorhome in for a simple exhaust repair and $2700 later....
The right side down piple had a broken weld and was leaking at the doughnut connecting the down pipe to the maniifold. At best, they had to drop the exhaust to reweld the downpiple and replace the doughnut gaskets but it was pretty rusty and probably would have to be replaced. I didn't feel like getting into all that exhaust work in my driveway.
So, they find 2 missing studs on the left side manifold and 2 broken studs on the right. I'm not going to do the job halfway and tell them to pull the manifolds, to replace the studs and gaskets.
The right side manifold ends up having a crack and needs to be replaced, then they can't get the broken studs out without removing the head because there's simply no room to get tools in. 10.7 hours of labor to get the right side head off. Only 3 more hours to do the right side as well. Then the busted studs have to be drilled out, including the 3rd one that busted off while removing the manifold. Now it's a $2700 bill to fix my leaky exhuast, so no go on funding another day of excavator rental on Rainier Vista at this time.
But I've not been out for a couple of months and wondered how the hill climb and the new rock sections were holding up.