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Larry Langford Arrested

Looks like Tax Stuff.

"Birmingham - The FBI (web) says Birmingham Mayor Larry Langford was arrested Monday on federal charges that were not immediately disclosed.

FBI spokesman Paul Daymond said Langford was taken into custody around 7 a.m. by FBI agents in Birmingham.

U.S. Attorney Alice Martin declined to comment on the charges but scheduled a news conference for 10 a.m. with criminal investigators for the Internal Revenue Service.

An attorney for Langford, Thomas Baddley, is expected to release a statement later Monday."
Press conference at 10AM. The arrest papers are sealed, so we don't know what he was arrested for yet. Should find out at the press conference. Gather around the tube.
Looks like William Blount and Albert Lapierre are included.

Bribery - 2 counts
Money laundering - 3 counts
Forfieture - 2 counts
CHASMAN9 said:
Good bye Olympics. :flipoff1:

You know that little stunt cost us ( tax payers ) 500K just for his stupid fuggin ass to apply for consideration ..

Like Bham has the infra-structure to support the Olympics... not to mention the fact that B'ham is a piss poor representation of an American City in general. Place is a damn **** hole.
John Galbreath Jr. said:
Looks like William Blount and Albert Lapierre are included.

Bribery - 2 counts
Money laundering - 3 counts
Forfieture - 2 counts

Awesome, clean house Bham politicians are all ate up with the dumbass. No wonder the county is close to filing .. laughing1
P., I am not feeling any love from you today. You trying to tell me that Visionland/ Adventureland/ whatthefuckeverland went over like a fart in Church? Hell, he will just find a couple of dead presidents in his back pocket and all is well. :flipgotcha: :afro:/ :afro:
101 counts including IRS for "illegal source of unearned income" filing false income tax returns.

Restitition request is 7.1 million each person.

They sound like it is a closed "textbook" case.
Damn so the press conference was straight up, your ass is nailed to the wall or what ?

They getting prision time for sure :dunno:
That ninja deserves to be in prison....
Been nothing but probs for bham since he took over....

who wants to bet the naacp or sclc steps in and tries to play the poor pitiful card..
claims that no matter how big of criminal he is he's just trying to help the minorities.....

Jaclson and sharpton are prolly 10-84 at this very moment... ::)
I am glad to see this. I remember when he made several bad choices, but further more to let everyone know just cause you have power don't mean you can't be taken down. What a dumb :afro: !

loller.gif :popcorn: :popcorn: loller.gif loller.gif
in an undated photo. (Handout/Reuters)

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. â€" The mayor of Alabama's largest city, Larry Langford, was arrested Monday on federal bribery and fraud charges connected to a multibillion-dollar sewer bond deal that has driven the surrounding county to the brink of bankruptcy.

Federal prosecutors in Birmingham said Langford, Montgomery investment banker Bill Blount and lobbyist Al LaPierre were charged in the 101-count indictment released Monday. The charges also include money laundering and filing false tax returns.

Langford is accused of receiving $230,000 in bribes from Blount, some of them routed through LaPierre, to influence the bond deals while Langford was president of the Jefferson County Commission. Blount's firm made $7.1 million in fees from the bond work.

The indictment says Blount paid $219,500 to LaPierre for his help.

Langford and LaPierre pleaded not guilty in a court appearance and were released on $50,000 bond each. Blount arrived later at the courthouse to surrender.

The three men also have denied any wrongdoing in the face of similar allegations contained in a civil lawsuit by federal regulators.

Langford, 62, was taken into custody around 7 a.m. Monday, FBI spokesman Paul Daymond said. Langford was president of the Jefferson County Commission before he was elected mayor last year. Birmingham is in Jefferson County.

The county is trying to avoid filing what would be the largest municipal bankruptcy in U.S. history over $3.2 billion in debt for sewer bonds, nearly double the record of $1.7 billion set in 1994 by Orange County, Calif.

Jefferson County's bonds went sour as the mortgage crisis hit and banks tightened up on lending, sending credit costs for the bonds skyrocketing.

The Securities and Exchange Commission accused Langford in a lawsuit of taking more than $156,000 in undisclosed payments and benefits from Blount and routed through LaPierre.

The mayor's chief of staff said city business would go on as usual. In a statement, Deborah Vance-Bowie also said the indictment of Langford was "certainly no surprise to us" and that they had expected some action from U.S. Attorney Alice Martin as she nears a possible end of her appointment with the swearing in of a new president in January.

"We are glad the mayor will finally have his day in court," the chief of staff's statement said.

Langford has said the investigation was politically motivated. He contends Martin, who was appointed by President Bush, has targeted Democrats.

Langford, who was elected mayor in a nonpartisan vote, was a Democrat when he served on the commission and identifies himself as a Democrat. Blount, 55, is a former state Democratic Party chairman and LaPierre, 58, is a former state Democratic Party executive director.

Martin has denied any political motivation behind her office's investigations and prosecutions.

Langford has drawn attention for a series of colorful stunts since taking office last year, many of which are aimed at trying to turn around an old steel city-turned-medical hub.

He walked into a business meeting with two police officers carrying submachine guns, props meant to generate interest in his "top secret" finance plans. He also announced a longshot bid to bring the 2020 Olympics to Birmingham, and his critics have even gone as far as to call him "Mayor LaLa."

The former promoter and television reporter has been unapologetic about his conduct, saying it's his job to sell the city.

(This version CORRECTS Langford's age to 62.)