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Last minute evans run.......

lets hit the 197 then 519 to the top then run the and the 520 down too 311 wish the 22o user built the best one up there off the 198 was still legal we'ed hit that too, ill be loaded ready too wheel this weekend thanks too BL AND THE NEW AXLES i HAVE TOO BrAKE IN.

It was never legal and people that used it and use it are the very ones responsible for giving us a reputation that we are a bunch of outlaws that dont give a damn about our trail systems:mad:
last time i used it

It was never legal and people that used it and use it are the very ones responsible for giving us a reputation that we are a bunch of outlaws that dont give a damn about our trail systems:mad:

was 10 yrs ago and rules change and regulations I give a damn I have more back ach and sweat and tears into all of my trails that i regulary go through I respect all of them! there was not so many restictions then befor ,you can thank ^&%$ for that user built trail.alll iam sayin is good times were the signs why don't somebody make some DO NOT ENTER ILLEGAL trail!
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Wow Gibby, you are sure fast to throw people under the bus. On "rumor" way to feed the frenzy................:fawkdancesmiley:

Don't worry, the only bus Jim has access too is the short bus, it's a lot lighter than a regular bus and apparently it comes with plenty of helmets.
If that trail is closed why isnt their any signs and if their were any they couldnt have been their long. And if you guys are talking about the club i think your talking about you all have no idea what ur talking about infact theirs a story behind how that trail got opened back up and it isnt what you guys are thinking. Im just saying you cant get mad at someone for running a trail that looks like its been beeing ran for years heavily and theirs no signs or blocks of any kind. Every time i go up their theirs either five rigs on it or just getting off of it. That used to be an actual trail and i believe it was never actually shut down it had many trees down on it and nobody took the time to clear it out untill years later. I think its even on the older maps if i remember right.
If that trail is closed why isnt their any signs and if their were any they couldnt have been their long. And if you guys are talking about the club i think your talking about you all have no idea what ur talking about infact theirs a story behind how that trail got opened back up and it isnt what you guys are thinking. Im just saying you cant get mad at someone for running a trail that looks like its been beeing ran for years heavily and theirs no signs or blocks of any kind. Every time i go up their theirs either five rigs on it or just getting off of it. That used to be an actual trail and i believe it was never actually shut down it had many trees down on it and nobody took the time to clear it out untill years later. I think its even on the older maps if i remember right.

Its a bootleg trail and always has been. It was never a legal trail. Its been blocked off and signed several times only to be reopened by asshats that dont care about our trails system.
Its a bootleg trail and always has been. It was never a legal trail. Its been blocked off and signed several times only to be reopened by asshats that dont want to run easy jeep trails.

I firmly believe it has not been blocked or labeled AT ALL.

I have wheeled many more times at evans than you have pokey and I have never seen you or the blockage or signage.

If you want it known that is closed then block it properly or sign it properly. Im not talking about winching a log across the entrance or stapling a plastic sign to a tree.

Ive seen trails blocked so no access can be had. This one has never had much effort put into blockin it or making it clear that you are entering a "bootleg" trail.

I know for a fact I could block it for good. apparently its not important enough to get a proper closure.

Just my observations from being there and actually wheeling.:kissmyass:
I have heard on a number of occasions where the ilegal trails have been blocked. Every time I have been up there you cannot tell. From what I have seen from uneducated users is the fact that those blockades can easily and quickly be removed. IMO a better blockade needs to be done.
I have heard on a number of occasions where the ilegal trails have been blocked. Every time I have been up there you cannot tell. From what I have seen from uneducated users is the fact that those blockades can easily and quickly be removed. IMO a better blockade needs to be done.

That particular trail has been VERY well blocked to the point that the only way to gain access was to expend considerable energy to remove the blockade.

We shouldn't HAVE to create a formidable blockade to block access to a trail that is not marked and not indicated on a map. The blockage should be respected and understood. I don't believe this is done by uneducated users. I understand them following trails that they don't know are not open. This kind of action is taken by users that clearly know that the trail is off limits and choose to undo all the work by people trying to help, because they only think of themselves and the fun that they want to have, and screw everyone else.
I have heard on a number of occasions where the ilegal trails have been blocked. Every time I have been up there you cannot tell. From what I have seen from uneducated users is the fact that those blockades can easily and quickly be removed. IMO a better blockade needs to be done.

I agree and for the life of me I cant quite understand why the FS hasn't taken a better effort to do a more substantial effort at closing it. We have blocked the trail many times with the equip. that we have but unfortunately there are many people out there with the same equip. used to remove the barricades. These are the same people that have absolutely no regards for our trail system. All they are interested in is their own selfish enjoyment. I can only guess that as we see the new plan start to take shape at Evans we will see substantial blockades as there will be money for them. I would hope that responsible users that frequent this board as well as others would spread the word that this trail is closed and respect that closure as well.