Cole said:Man that sucks, seems like everyone is laying off right now.
Juan_Hong_Loe said:Not really they had buy-outs. But it's prolly coming. They have a company that works in mecedes called Talent Tree. It's kinda like a temp service (they hire these people, produce a lot of cars, number look good). They are all gone in december.
P said:That sucks... we have "thinned" out a little over the past few months people have gone elsewere and they have not rehired. Im certain if things dont pick up we will be cutting some non-essential personel here and there trimming back a little but they are trying very hard to avoid any sort of lay off.
I actually got the "behind doors" discussion on this same matter this AM with my boss....
draggbody said:didnt mercedes in tuscaloosa have a lay off...
Do you have any more info on the expansion, I need to start some rumors at work to lighten things up a lilCHASMAN9 said:I am involved in a an expansion at MBZ to the tune of $15 mil.right now. That has given birth to the next expansion, a cool $35 mil. to adjoin the first addition. Definitely can't hide the DoicheMarkz. (little german smiley)
race_jeep said:Do you have any more info on the expansion, I need to start some rumors at work to lighten things up a lil![]()
race_jeep said:cool, I work in the body shop, but I didnt know what was goin on out back, they dont tell us **** :afro: