OK, I just got off the phone with Randy to verify the 92 mph claim. It was legit....110 in 2.0 low on the dyno and 92 on the lakebed. Pretty cool.
OK, he ran the LCQ course with Dave Cole riding shotgun on Saturday.
He says it looks like about 2 miles.
Lakebed, smooth run to Back Door, up back door, over sand dune and then straight out into the desert with a slow sweeping turn through the whoops back to the lakebed.
Dave said to peel out but changed his mind after about 1/4 mile so Randy pulled back. He did it in 7 minutes. He said without Dave in there he could have done it in 5.
Just an FYI.
When you get out there and see the course, that is a time to keep in your head from a local guy with a fast car.
I put this in here instead of in the KOH forum because I don't know how much of this is confidential and how much is for public consumption.
Please keep it here. Share this info if you please, just don't share the source.
OK, he ran the LCQ course with Dave Cole riding shotgun on Saturday.
He says it looks like about 2 miles.
Lakebed, smooth run to Back Door, up back door, over sand dune and then straight out into the desert with a slow sweeping turn through the whoops back to the lakebed.
Dave said to peel out but changed his mind after about 1/4 mile so Randy pulled back. He did it in 7 minutes. He said without Dave in there he could have done it in 5.
Just an FYI.
When you get out there and see the course, that is a time to keep in your head from a local guy with a fast car.
I put this in here instead of in the KOH forum because I don't know how much of this is confidential and how much is for public consumption.
Please keep it here. Share this info if you please, just don't share the source.