... today I knocked the dust off of the Runner w/ Jake (Jokenring). Not much "wheelin"... mostly just driving... not much snow up there for this time of year!
Found this little elk hunting cabin that I have never seen up there before...
Along w/ all the penises inside.... really... why cant one person draw a nice set of tits???
But there was this sweet Mazda outside... it looks like it could be refurbished...
Saw this sign... and I got 3/4 aroused...
Cant believe tweakers havent driven all the way up here to steal this iron sign to use for scrap...
Made a nice manifold pepperoni hot pocket for lunch...
Yeah, it was fairly pathetic... I ran from the power lines, down Parke until there was basically no snow, back up Parke, and all the way back to the trailer in 2wd....
There was a lot more snow up there before the rain hit a little while back. You could only get to the three way turn then. You met some friends of mine in a scout, they agreed, not much snow. That cabin used to be pretty nice several years ago. Some old guys took care of it and kept it nice. Too easy to get to = trashed cabin.
We ran into a guy drivng what I thought was a Nissan Patrol..? And passed two Jeeps that were headed up when we were already on the trailer and headed down.
We ran into a guy drivng what I thought was a Nissan Patrol..? And passed two Jeeps that were headed up when we were already on the trailer and headed down.