The flywheel I used on my 6.0 was the one advanced adapters sells with the convertor support. Mine was an '02 model and the factory flywheel was the same as the one from advanced adapters. Assuming you are talking about a flexplate and not a flywheel for a manual. If you are, I just wasted some time. Hope it helped anyway.
AA 130 bucks with the flywheel, spacer, and 6 longer bolts.....or just elongate the factory flex plate holes to accept the converter, but you still need a spacer and bolts
Does the spacer ur talkin about go between the flex plat and converter and if so how thick should it be? Puttin a th 400 behind a 6.0 now for the spider buggy
Thanks 4 the info is any shop makin that spacer cheaper
A friend was telln me that his 05 2500 flywheel had broke and that it was a prob
So ill run my stock 1 with a spacer