crawlin85cj said:I drilled and tapped the factory plug in the passenger head for water temp.
Wide Open Design sells an adapter to add an oil accumulator to the factory pan and it can be used to tie in an oil pressure sending unit.
I have Autometer on my rigs and have never had an issue with the gauges.
civicmindedex79 said:Mostly what he said but I just removed the plug as said above and got the metric/standard adapter for water.
Draco said:Remember what size that adapter is?
I really don't have room for an accumulator and won't be running one. Can I just tap into the wire running to the ECM, to an electric gauge to get the pressure reading?
Thanks for the help...All this is new to me. My harness is getting cut now. I can get the guy to point out any wires I need to tap into.