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March Meeting

John Galbreath Jr.

38 Special & Solo Buggy
May 24, 2007
Reaction score
Meeting in Monday night. Who all is in? What do we need to talk about?

Superlift Park Ride
Next ride date and place
Saturday commitment for Shamrock Ride and schedule for 3-20 (less than a month away)
I have a forum issue to bring up
Discussion about SFWDA and if we are going to continue to be members as a club, if so we need 100% participation IMO
Do we want to do First Monday or Second Monday of each month going fwd? Just asking cause the first Monday also seems to be on the first day of the month and it is easy to forget. I am fine with either I guess.

I vote no on the SFWDA unless someone plans to collect all the money from all members and send it and our roster to SFWDA. Even at that, how do you define everyone since a couple of folks are not active and never attend meetings or rides.
Matt O. said:
Do we want to do First Monday or Second Monday of each month going fwd? Just asking cause the first Monday also seems to be on the first day of the month and it is easy to forget. I am fine with either I guess.

I vote no on the SFWDA unless someone plans to collect all the money from all members and send it and our roster to SFWDA. Even at that, how do you define everyone since a couple of folks are not active and never attend meetings or rides.

I think this one should be when we scheduled it. March 1st.

I'll be happy to collect the money and remit IF those at the meeting want to join as a group. I'll print out the forms. Membership is $10 less this year, $30. Also can be paid by palPal with this link:

http://www.sfwda.org/members/individual_app.htm. If we decide as a group to ALL join, then that allows for a most graceful way to leave the club for those really not interested.
Guys, sorry I had to bug out the wife was struggling with baby detail on her own. What did I miss? What is the deal with the first ride?
Matt O. said:
Guys, sorry I had to bug out the wife was struggling with baby detail on her own. What did I miss? What is the deal with the first ride?

No changes to ride 1.

Added a ride in May at Mountainside. I am to contact Bob and see if we can get it on a closed weekend. Talked about it being a more open type ride. Overnight camping and possible night rides including going to the bluffs.

Decided to remove any non-members from members only forums. I believe Ricky has handled that.

Decided not to continue our club affiliation with SFWDA.

Talks a little about new members. A few names roundtabled, no decision made, except to invite to May ride.
I think we should extend some offers for potential members to the Hot Springs ride. I don't have any ideas for members other than Josh Cagle and maybe my buddy Adam Ragland when his rig is done. But we definately need to add to the roster which will help in having more at rides. I count up about 7 active rigs in our group, we were 10 a year or so ago. So that is a loss of 30% and we have not added a member since Gregg.

I am all about close rides to places that we can make a day or overnight trip out of, so Mountainside sounds great!
Matt O. said:
I think we should extend some offers for potential members to the Hot Springs ride. I don't have any ideas for members other than Josh Cagle and maybe my buddy Adam Ragland when his rig is done. But we definately need to add to the roster which will help in having more at rides. I count up about 7 active rigs in our group, we were 10 a year or so ago. So that is a loss of 30% and we have not added a member since Gregg.

I am all about close rides to places that we can make a day or overnight trip out of, so Mountainside sounds great!

We talked about invites to Hot Springs, and decided against it. The logic was the travel time verses the advance notice. Plus, we still seem to be up in the air on participation. I don't think there was objection to inviting, just understand if a potential invite cannot attend.

I also through out for roundtable about us going to quartly meetings, with socials on the other months. If we want 100% participation (not that we are getting it!) but, it would allow is to invite some that live too far to attend monthly meetings, but I think would commit to once a quarter and the rides. A couple names tossed around were Bob Youmans and Scott "Julio" ZusiScott on the forum. Greg brought up one also, HotRod on this forum.

While I like getting together monthly, if we use this forum properly, there is really no reason we could not do business monthly.

I also think we should talk about decorum in our meetings. There is too much side bar going on. We could do our business in 1/3 the time if we had everyones full attention. Then dismiss the meeting and bullshit. Just my $.02
John, I agree completely on the meetings. I was going to bring it up at some point that I will not be able to make as many because weeknights are just too hectic with a baby and both of us working. If meetings were less often and/or we handled business first and then did the BS'ing then it would not be as big of a time henderence. Currently, our meetings are just for BS'ing for the most part, and unfortunately I don't have time to do that during the week. I am up for quarterly meetings and having optional dinner meetings to socialize monthly.

I also think that most of us are active online and we should be able to handle our business in these forums at all times.

I invited Josh to Hot Springs because he could see the private board from when we needed help with the hack, and because we had mentioned him in the past. He says he wants to come, so is that cool with ya'll? I think Josh is nice and super helpful, plus it seems he enjoys riding and can travel as needed. I also think he is a whiz with the forums and can be a great asset to the club in that regard.

I also have $70 in bills for when the pro recovered us from the hack and our 2nd domain name.