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MOD position


-Oh no I picked a side-
Mar 26, 2001
Da gold bar
Since doug decided to step down I make spidertoy the mod of this area. But I personally would rather have one of you dedicated RC guys who can carry on the tradition take over as a mod of this area. So anybody who wants to step up to the plate then please let me know....
Crash - I'm guessing I'm not the only one wondering what being a moderator involves, how much time is involved, what the responsibilities are, etc. Obviously you monitor the board for unsavory discussions, what to sticky, etc, but how often do they need to check the new posts? There are a few guys here that would be great, but they may want more details.
so far the only thing that takes the most time is cleaning up OLD threads that expired months ago, but I already did that, so now it is just upkeep as far as deleting GTG's after discussion has died down, and the big part is keeping people on topic, which doesnt seem to be very tough with RC guys, and basically I sticky things that seem to be a popular topic such as the common mods thread, as far as checking up on the board, how often do you get on here? I am on here daily so I check daily, the busier it gets in here, the more the mod would need to watch it, but so far I havent seen anything outta line in all (formerly)9 pages of chatter in here pretty easy to moderate really, (just dont ask me any tech questions:redneck: )