Well, it would help if we knew what it was going in, what the intended purpose of the rig was, what tires, you know, minor details like that that only effect the entire setup of the truck.
a tlt im making a 2.2 crawler sw2 chassis i want to run swamp dawg Tires,traxxas stampede transmission any more info u need tell im new to this and this is my first biuld
In my tlt I am still running a 27turn, I would like something a little slower rpm but I also like the wheel speed I have at times. So like IB said 55t or maybe even 45t is what I would probably go with for a 2.2
55 turn lathe motors are designed for 12 volts, so.................like todd said just up the voltage for more wheels speed. but make sure you esc can handle it.