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Movie review

kid rok

Well-Known Member
Jul 8, 2007
Reaction score
I saw two movies this week.

The first was My best Friends Girl,, Funny funny funny, Great movie with some awsome one liners

The second was taken, It's bad ass. old dude can kick some ass. Hay ya ,krady chop to the throat. :****:

That movie is great. The wedding at the end where they do the 10 reasons, that **** was awesome!!!
We watched Zack and Miri make a porno the other night. That was very freakin funny. A little raunchy so watch who you let see it.
Taken was badass. I saw the new Friday the 13 and didn't think it was that great, boobs were though!

Step brothers still the best in a looooong time!

I'm gonna put my hairy nut sack all over your damn drum set!
Taken is badass X3 watched it last weekend.

Also watched Gran Torino with Clint Eastwood. Damn good movie. Not your typical Eastwood Movie
Taken was definately a good one... Loved it!

P and I watched the Dancing Outlaw last night....

He will have to tell you all about that one laughing1
Ok, I googled "The Dancing Outlaw" and this is what I found??? :****:


[attachment deleted by admin]
Moving on and trying to ignore that...

Watched Wanted on DVD. Pretty cool, good head shots.

Watche Pride and Glory, good movie but same thing we have seen over and over with Cop family movies.

Righteous Kill Good or Bad does not matter because it is Pacino and Deniro together. Not like Heat where it was one short coffee shop scene this was the whole move.
Definately the WRONG Dancing Outlaw!

Wanted - Also good! We like Jolie!
Saw The Haunting of Molly Hartley. (Or whatever her last name was.) Quite possibly the worst movie of the year. Terrible plot, choppy storyline, let down of an ending, and just didn't really make sense throughout. Not to mention it wasn't scary at any point in the movie in the least bit.

Also recently saw Body of Lies, which was a really good one. So was Traitor.

J. J.
Body of Lies, was a good one.

I love movies, just can't get P to them as much as I would like!
Dancing Outlaw was dayum funny ! Holy crap that is hilarious... I dont even know what to make of it or were Amber's boss found it but that was great ! molaugh

Jesco R White


Thaaaaaaaaaaats riiiiiiiiiiiiight !


Finally... a youtube example of the star power and most intense tap dancing you have ever witnessed in your liiiiife , "cuz thats how that gas had me at that tyme in mah life "

Body of Lies is a good one for sho. Leo has really stepped it up lately.

I want to see Role Models so bad!
No... this one.... laughing1


.......if it burned her, she's got the clap or something don't fool with her, she's got a bad hole.... :eek:

We had the True/False film festival here last weekend. It was a blast and we had enough time to see a few.

Crude: great documentary about the control of large American corporations in small countries, namely Chevron an the amazon. :dblthumb: for Crude.

The Posters Came from the Walls: English Documentary about Depeche Mode. I was cool to watch it from my POV, as I was too young to really remember most of the cool times of the 80's. Most of the characters were from SoCal, England, Russia, Berlin, and Iran. Neat to see POV from completely different cultures regarding one common theme. thumb.gif , good movie, a little slow at times.

We also went to see He's Just Not That Into You last week. I was really dreading going to see a chick flick man-basher. E and I were both surprised as the movie progressed. The movie is actually much more of a woman basher and proved many points about the annoying stuff women do in relationships. :dblthumb: for this one.