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Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2010
Holy ****, I was suppose to have my first mri's on both of my shoulders today, I went into this as relaxed as I could be, even joking with the tech about taking a nap, then I got STRAPED to a table with a foam block tucked under my legs to pop them up like someone with back problems, then I got a huge set of ear muffs with music blaring in them, THEN I got slid into what appeared to be a mouse's butt hole. I'm 6-2 230 lbs I was scrubing the sides going in, I've never had a problem with claustrophobia before, I mean I 'm not going cave exploring by any means but I thought I could handle this with no problem. When I got all the way in I couldn't take it. Started kicking my feet so they would know something was wrong. I'm absolutely amazed by how bad it bothered me. I really can't believe most places still use this ancient styled technology. Anyone else experience anything like this and what's the fix? I honestly felt like I lost my
Man card today!!!
There is no fix. When they slide you head first into that tube, the first thing I think is ' are they still out there because without there help, I won't be able to get out! than I fall asleep. When I wake up, I couldn't tell you what day it is. Something about those noises. It's hypnotic. Cowboy up. That's all I can say!
Find a place that does "open MRIs" that accepts your insurance, if you are using insurance. If it bothered you that much it might be worth the extra coin to go "out of network" if thats how your particular insurance works...
We found a place online tonight that is also in Nashville that does the open MRI, Im going to call the doc about that tomorrow. Not sure how much more that will be but it will be worth every penny.
right there with you. I've had several over the past year and a half. I fit fine when I went for my first MRI. I was 225lbs. I've since had 2 back surgeries and put on 60lbs. I've still had a lot of pain since the surgery. so, they sent me for another MRI about a month ago. well, my fat ass doesn't fit anymore. the tech forced me in there though. I couldn't even move my hands or push the help button. it was horrible. I wasn't claustrophobic before my last MRI, but I might have a case of it now.
I had one about 8 years ago and just so happened to get bronchitis right before. Man talk about miserable. Havin to lay there and try not to cough for what felt like 10 years SUCKED. I don't think it would have bothered me if it wasn't for that though

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I feel ya pain man. Been there. I am not claustrophobic normally, but that machine just weirded me out for some reason. Had it done about 8 years ago when I annihilated my ACL/MCL/Meniscus in a ski racing accident. I knew everything inside my knee was gone as soon as I got up. Standard procedure, get in the tube and get a better look and I felt more uncomfortable during the MRI than I did during any point of the injury or recovery process.
That's kinda where I'm at, I told her I would prob do a lot better with them just cutting it open and taking a look, I've watched them put stitches in me before, I have even woke up during a surgery on my finger before, none of that has ever fased me, but the thought of being stuck in that sucker without any way to even wiggle out or a panic button just freaks me out, it's making my head hurt even thinking about it, I guess I'm officially a puss! I've only smoked weed twice in my life, and I hardly ever even drink anymore, but I promise you I will be hammered out of mind before I try it again. Pink elephants will be all I'm thinking about.
With it being your knee an open maybe possible but they are views that cant be seen with an open one and the tube is all that can be used
I thought I would have issues with it but I didn't. The loud noises put me to sleep too and I was kind of ticked when they woke me up. It was some of the best sleep I'd ever had.

I love how you call it ancient technology. Like you understand a damn thing about what's going on or could just take a wrench to it and stick some duct tape on there if you had to fix it! :) That **** saves lives man!

You ever been to Ruby Falls in Chattanooga and seen the seam those explorers crawled through for hours and hours using only lanterns? Now THAT **** would make me bash my head against the ceiling until I was dead and then consider myself lucky. I couldn't take that. It was like 1' tall by 18" wide, went on for like 2 miles 2500' underground. They did it not knowing how far it would be until it opened and that there would be no space to turn around. If they had to go back they would have to do it backwards.
I never said it didn't save lives, but if they can land a craft on mars then there shouldn't be a problem getting something to do the same type of scan with you sitting in an open room instead of sliding in a very small tube. The open one here in Nashville seems to be the ticket after watching the videos of it. Just sit in a chair or stand either way between the walls, the front is all open, that shouldn't be to bad right there.
I just looked this up out of curiosity, this is based on 1882 technology, and first scan was 1977. So it's been around for quite a while.

I was just joking, no worries. I thought I would have issues too and then didn't. My dad can't go in one either. He has to do open MRI.
I have done them alot in the past 4 years and have learned alot about the spine and all disk and nerve endings it amazes me how they take all the pics and i can see all the way down my spine from my head to my lower back the dr can see it all I 6'3"&245lbs and don't have anyissues fitting in the one t the hillbilly oxycontin store :****:
Try laying in one for almost 2 hours... After I got ****ed up in Afghanistan I had the pleasure of that awfulness. Next time I'm getting some medicinal support before I try that again. :****:
I'm telling ya'll, go visit Ruby Falls and I promise you the MRI will feel like a cavernous mansion. :) (No, I'm not affiliated in any way with Ruby Falls.) :)
I was paralyzed when I was 11 and had to go through a week long battery of MRI's, EKG's, CAT scans, EEG's etc. I basically got to use every diagnostic machine Children's and UAB had to offer. They didn't offer music and I couldn't move anything but my mouth, ears and eyes. It became a mental game for me. I was uncomfortable, but when my heart would start to rise, I would just focus on breathing.

Spelunking never bothered me until a week ago. We had a shift under our house that we felt go from south to north. Got me to thinking of times at he Lost Sea inching our way along what would have happened if the earth had shifted then. Amazing how having kids changes your perspective on life.

I digress, the key to tight spaces is to go in mentally prepared. Your job is to stay calm. Best way to do that is focus on breathing and close your eyes.
Miners and the likes are complete crazy mfers in my mind. I don't see how they could do it. And what caused you to get paralyzed and how did they fix that.

And no way on the 2 hours, I would probably come out mental screwed up right there.
Postinfectious Encephalomyelitis.....long and the short is that I came in contact with a virus. It attacked my spine around the first and second thoracic vertebrae. After 24 hours, numbness and paralysis took over. Did a million dollar case study due to symptoms that were irregular from the (at the time) 29 documented cases. Spent a little over a week in Children's in Birmingham and toured every room there and at UAB.....sent me home with partial use of my right arm...drug myself around the house and eventually relearned how to walk and control my muscles. Still have numb spots you could drive a nail through, but compared to what it was, I am very lucky.

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